20060816: reminder of impending service interruption

>From: Unidata User Support <support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Organization: Unidata Program Center/UCAR
>Keywords: 200406242150.i5OLomWb011681 IDD ADDE

Reminder: planned power outage that will affect data services that you
may be using:

UW/SSEC/AOS outage on Thursday, August 17.  Services affected:

IDD relay:
  NNEXRAD), Unidata-Wisconsin (IDD datastream: UNIWISC (aka
  MCIDAS) data, CONDUIT, and DIFAX data.

  machines: SSEC: unidata2.ssec.wisc.edu
            AOS:  f5.aos.wisc.edu

Creation-of, archiving-of, and FTP access-to Unidata-Wisconsin

  machine:  SSEC: unidata2.ssec.wisc.edu

Creation-of IDD DIFAX data products.

  machine:  AOS:  mapmaker.aos.wisc.edu

ADDE access to Unidata-Wisconsin imagery (ADDE group GOESEAST),
  full GOES-East imagery (ADDE group EAST), and full GOES-West
  imagery (ADDE group WEST).

  machine:  SSEC: unidata2.ssec.wisc.edu

The following is the original notification that we received:

  From: UW SSEC Data Center <datacenter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2006 11:41:57 -0500
  Subject: SSEC Building Power Outage scheduled for Thursday August 17
  Organization: Space Science Data Center
  On Thursday, August 17, 2006 (2006229) from 0300 UTC - 1200 UTC the
  AOS/SSEC building will experience a complete power outage, as the second
  and last phase of a campus wide project to upgrade high voltage
  equipment entering campus buildings.
  During the outage, there will be no communications to SSEC & no
  data will be ingested.
  In the event of a hurricane that is about to hit shore, the outage will
  be rescheduled for Thursday,  August 24 (2006236) 0300 UTC - 1200 UTC.
  We apologize for any problem or inconvenience this outage may
  SSEC Data Center            Email:  datacenter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  UW Madison                  Web:    http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/datacenter
  1225 W. Dayton              Phone:  (608) 262-0502
  Madison, Wisconsin 53706    Fax:    (608) 263-6738

IDD sites feeding from any of the above-mentioned servers should
switch to their failovers before the scheduled outages and then
back to their primaries after the outage.

Please send any/all comments to support-idd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Tom Yoksas
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