OK, now I'm getting greedy. If NOAAport kicks offline, I'd still like to
have METARs come in. Say running a script at :04 and :11 after the hour
to grab them and catch everything domestic.
Unfortunately, the NWS telecom gateway only has METAR cycle files that do
not contain individual WMO headers on each one, which means the LDM
couldn't use it without modification. Worse, it has a header that would
need to be stripped off each METAR first.
So, I searched around, and I found something that might work.
If you input "K*" sans quotes in the dialog box to enter a station name,
you get three lines of stuff you don't want, and then all the METARs sans
WMO headers.
If, and only if, this website is hooked up to the AWIPS WAN (or gets it
METAR data from it), what I'd like to do is set up a csh script to lynx
--dump that into a file, strip off the first three lines, and then on the
top line, add "SAUS80 KWBC" and maybe a time stamp (I assume without that,
the LDM would choke on it). Any suggestions?
Gilbert Sebenste ********
(My opinions only!) ******
Staff Meteorologist, Northern Illinois University ****
E-mail: sebenste@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ***
web: http://weather.admin.niu.edu **