Dear Steve,
Here at NCEP/NCO, we've been following with great interest the
discussion thread and user responses related to your proposal to develop
a replacement for the LDM. While we understand that it's always
important to look ahead and plan for the future, we nonetheless share
the concerns of many of your other users. We use the LDM extensively in
our operational environment, and it has worked very well for us. So
while we recognize that there may be some aspects of the design that
could be improved, we would be leery of a wholesale replacement for the
existing system. We have several other big issues coming up over the
next couple of years, including moving to a new building as well as
upgrading our central computer system, so we would strongly prefer to
not also have to modify our entire data flow architecture for a new
software package. To the credit of you and the rest of the Unidata
team, the LDM has been a very stable, reliable and dependable system for
many years, so from our perspective we don't really see a need to do
away with it.
Jeff Ator and Scott Jacobs
NOAA National Weather Service
NCEP Central Operations