[ldm-users] [Fwd: Re: Internet 2 Fiber Broke + Internet outage tonight]

Note attached: Internet traffic to/from UAlbany will be down for several hours beginning roughly @ 2AM EDT tomorrow (Thursday) AM. Any sites that feed non-NLDN data should fail over to alternates. Our NLDN feed will be offline to all sites during this period.

Thanks for your attention . . .


Kevin Tyle, Systems Administrator               **********************
Dept. of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences           ktyle@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
University at Albany, ES-235                    518-442-4578 (voice)
1400 Washington Avenue                          518-442-5825 (fax)
Albany, NY 12222                                **********************
--- Begin Message ---

I have just heard from Fibertech that a squirrel has damaged the fiber that 
carries our East Campus, Internet 1 and Internet 2 connection.  Monday's storm 
knocked out the fiber pair that carries Internet 2 traffic. Our East Campus 
fiber and Internet 1 fiber is hanging by a thread (literally) so we have given 
Fibertech the go ahead to fix the fiber tonight (Thursday June 19) at 12am, we 
felt this time would have the least impact on our users.  The work should last 
2 to 3 hours and if you would like to be notified when it is finished please 
send me contact information.  We will keep you abreast of any changes or 
problems that come up.  The affected areas will be ALL internet traffic to and 
from campus and the East Campus will be off-line.  Please notify the 
Telecommunications service desk if you have any questions.


Tom Hoey  

--- End Message ---
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