Re: [ldm-users] LDM not binding client source address?

On Fri, 29 Aug 2008 08:22:35 -0500 (CDT)
akrherz@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Hi Kyle,
> This sounds like a routing issue.  Can you create a static route for
> your LDM to use to your upstream host?  Something like:
> route add -host gw

On Fri, 29 Aug 2008 12:55:23 -0600
Steve Emmerson <steve@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Kyle,
> The LDM doesn't do anything special to determine what interface (i.e.,
> IP address) to use when connecting to another LDM: it leaves that job
> to the operating system.  You can see what the O/S is going to do via
> the command "netstat -nr".  You can then use the route(8) utility's
> "add" command to tell the O/S to use a specific interface when
> connecting to a particular given host.  If you use an interface for
> which the upstream LDM has an ALLOW entry, then things should work
> correctly.
> Regards,
> Steve Emmerson
> LDM Developer

Thanks for your replies. I've added a static route like:

  ip route add <upstream>/32 via <default gw> src <desired src ip>

and it appears to be getting used; after starting LDM, an entry for appears in the routing cache ('route -C'), showing the
correct source address.

However, it's not helping LDM's symptoms :)

So, now I'm wondering if there are multiple problems, since as I
mentioned before, the upstream operator did confirm he was logging
denied connections from one of the other IPs assigned to that interface
of our machine. 

I suppose I should check with him about what he's seeing now, and go
from there.

Thanks again.


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