On a whim I downloaded the 23Z hrs file from motherlode. I found the missing report. The first metar has an errant character so the report was interpreted as being binary and set the feedtype as HRS. See the attached file. Larry D. Oolman wrote:
This very odd. The data showed up in my GEMPAK file. The decoder uses the pattern: WMO ^S[AP] However, it is not in my data file which uses the pattern: DDS|IDS|EXP ^S[AP].* .... ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9]) I wonder if there wasn't a corrupt header. Tom Yoksas wrote:Hi Kevin, re:I noticed that the KALB 00Z METAR from 3/18 did not appear in our data feed. I checked a site with a NOAAport satellite, and it also did not have the product. The ob did show up on the tgftp.nws.noaa.gov METAR data collective, however.I just checked to see what KALB METAR data has been received and decoded on two toplevel IDD relay nodes that we maintain, and both are missing the 23:51 UTC observation for yesterday, Tuesday, March 17. This is the observation that would have been received at 00 UTC. Here is a McIDAS SFCLIST listing for the data processed on the toplevel NOAAPort ingest and IDD relay machine we maintain at the NSF/ATM offices in Arlington, Virginia, idd.cise-nsf.gov: Day Time StCo Stn T Td Dir Spd Gus AltSet Vis Weather Ceil hhmm id [F] [F] [ kts ] [mb] [mi] ---- ---- ---- ----- --- --- --- --- --- ------ ----- -------- ----- 17 1451 NYUS KALB 43 30 190 6 1025.7 9.00 17 1551 NYUS KALB 47 29 3 1025.4 9.00 17 1651 NYUS KALB 50 28 5 1025.1 10.00 17 1751 NYUS KALB 53 28 160 6 1024.0 10.00 17 1851 NYUS KALB 55 28 4 1023.4 10.00 17 1951 NYUS KALB 56 26 3 1022.3 10.00 17 2051 NYUS KALB 57 25 000 0 1022.0 10.00 17 2151 NYUS KALB 56 26 180 5 1021.3 10.00 17 2251 NYUS KALB 54 26 180 6 1021.7 10.00 18 0051 NYUS KALB 46 27 160 4 1022.3 10.00 18 0151 NYUS KALB 49 25 170 7 1022.3 10.00 18 0251 NYUS KALB 48 26 170 10 1022.0 10.00 18 0351 NYUS KALB 45 27 180 11 17 1022.0 10.00 18 0451 NYUS KALB 44 27 180 7 1021.7 10.00 18 0551 NYUS KALB 43 28 160 9 1021.7 10.00 18 0651 NYUS KALB 42 28 180 9 1021.7 10.00 18 0751 NYUS KALB 41 28 170 7 1021.3 10.00 18 0851 NYUS KALB 41 28 160 9 1020.7 10.00 18 0951 NYUS KALB 40 27 180 11 1020.0 10.00 18 1051 NYUS KALB 40 28 180 9 1019.6 10.00 18 1151 NYUS KALB 40 29 180 11 18 1019.6 10.00 18 1251 NYUS KALB 42 31 180 15 1019.3 8.00 18 1351 NYUS KALB 48 34 180 13 19 1018.3 7.00 Number of reports = 23 sfclist.k: done This listing, which was generated at 14:15 UTC, represents the last 24 hours of decoded METAR observations for KALB. As you can see, the 23:51 UTC KALB obs is missing.Did anyone else receive this METAR? If not, does anyone have any idea as to what might have happened?No, sorry. Cheers, Tom -- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * Tom Yoksas UCAR Unidata Program * * (303) 497-8642 (last resort) P.O. Box 3000 * * yoksas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Boulder, CO 80307 * * Unidata WWW Service http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _______________________________________________ ldm-users mailing list ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxFor list information or to unsubscribe, visit: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/mailing_lists/
-- Larry Oolman Department of Atmospheric Science University of Wyoming Dept. 3038, 1000 E. University Ave. Laramie, WY 82071 ldoolman@xxxxxxxx http://www-das.uwyo.edu
Description: Binary data