[ldm-users] Purdue LDM server

Hi all,

I've got the first of two new L2 servers set up at Purdue which will 
replace the old systems, and as a part of the change, they will get new 

Anyone who was using the name castor.itap.purdue.edu should start using 
castor.rcac.purdue.edu as soon as possible.  pollux.itap.purdue.edu will 
be replaced soon, but not until after I can turn off castor.itap, which 
I plan to do in two weeks time.  Please let me know when you have 
switched, and if there are any problems.

If you are instead using a *.weather.purdue.edu name, those will 
automatically be changed to point at the new servers.


Purdue University Research Computing --  http://www.itap.purdue.edu/rcac

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