Michael Dross wrote:
My first guess, would be to insure that the date/times are correct on each
server. This is one problem that can prevent data from
flowing from one ldm to another.
Yes, and there really isn't any reason NOT to have your system's clock be
more than a few ms off UTC.
Unidata has added routines to LDM to try to prevent this from being a
problem (thanks!).
The best answer, though, is to configure NTP when you build the system ...
*any* system.
If you can't find what you need to do that at http://www.ntp.org/, please
email me and I would be happy to help you get your system(s) configured.
(time geek not Time Lord)
Peter Laws / N5UWY
National Weather Center / Network Operations Center
University of Oklahoma Information Technology
Feedback? Contact my director, Craig Cochell, craigc@xxxxxx. Thank you!