Re: [ldm-users] ingest only some of a model?

I would not recommend using LDM to download part of a file, but it would probably work to pipe your LDM requested file to a script which parses out the first 48 forecast hours. There are so many different ways and methods to do that.

For example, I would use Unidata's NCL scripting (see


On 8/30/10 5:34 PM, Neil Smith wrote:
Is there a way to decode only some of a model forecast period?
I'd like to get the forecast output of the gfs 40 km but just out to
forecast hour 048.
If that is possible, how is it done?

Neil Smith neils@xxxxxxxx <mailto:neils@xxxxxxxx>
Comp. Sys. Mngr., Atmospheric Sciences
Donna Cote
Senior Research Associate
The Academy for Advanced Telecommunications and Learning Technologies
Texas A&M University
3139 TAMU
College Station, Texas 77843-3139
Office: (979) 862-3982
Fax: (979) 862-3983

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