Re: [ldm-users] dvb1.ssec clock problems??`

On Tue, 2010-10-19 at 19:47 +0000, David Knight wrote:
> I'm surprised people are running virtual machines on an
> idd ingest/relay node
> David

It was for experiment in a proof of concept. Wasn't really a big deal
just something I noticed. I believe it was related to the hardware clock
but I'm a user not an admin so I don't really remember the resolution
since it was about a year ago now and was only testing. But the vm
environment is nice for a quick setup, grab an ip off the switch and
instant data...

Eric M. Hudish
ZedX, Incorporated
369 Rolling Ridge Road
Bellefonte, PA 16823
Phone: +1.814.357.8490 +225
Cell: +1.724.977.3314

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