Hi again,
I was wondering if this looks like your bug. Also, even if it's
not the same bug, the person posting does seem to indicate
that Apple did indeed respond.
Richard Ryan
On 10/28/10 1:08 PM, Justin Greenfield wrote:
> We experimented with running LDM on OS X, both Leopard and Snow Leopard.
> Installation is fairly straightforward, I think we had to tweak a couple of
> the perl scripts, but nothing difficult. When working, it works like a champ.
> But....
> The killer is there's a bug in OS X that locks up the product queue on a call
> to fcntl. We tried various configurations, file systems, etc, to work around
> this bug, for months and months.
> Sometimes it would hit the bug within a few hours of startup, sometimes it
> would go for weeks before it locked up. But inevitably, it got hung up.
> Sampling the process in this state always revealed the same thing: stuck in
> the bowels of fcntl.
> We encountered it on 10.5 and 10.6. We wrote all kinds of scripts to detect
> the hung process and restart the daemon, and they worked most of the time,
> but sometimes the only solution was to reboot the machine.
> In the end, it just wasn't going to be reliable enough, which is a true
> shame, because there are a lot of things we'd love to do with OS X. We gave
> up and ported our stuff to run on linux.
> It's possible that a subsequent OS X update has fixed the issue, but I
> wouldn't bet on it.
> Justin
> On Oct 28, 2010, at 1:01 PM, Richard A. Ryan wrote:
>> Hi again,
>> The last thing I wrote only mentioned how dscl replaces the
>> /etc configurations. It turns out launchd/launchctl commands
>> and files also replace some of the functionality of what's in
>> /etc, and I'm guessing there are probably other things. The
>> /etc/services file's functionality has something to do with
>> launchd/launchctl rather than dscl.
>> Again, for the Mac mini, if you want to do server type things
>> on it you might want to get the Mac mini preloaded with
>> Mac OS X Server because the user/group/account/networking/server
>> related command line calls are a bit hard to figure out. The
>> O'Reilly book ``Mac OS X for Unix Geeks'' doesn't seem to cover
>> everything and they also don't have a version for Snow Leopard.
>> Richard Ryan
>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>> Subject: [ldm-users] LDM on Mac OS X
>>> Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2010 14:00:43 -0500
>>> From: Tyler Allison <tyler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> To: ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> Anybody running or been successful in running LDM on Mac OS X?
>>> I'm considering playing with a MacMini as a small SOHO device running LDM.
>>> I don't want to drop $1000 on a paper weight :) So hopefully someone
>>> else has been there/done that.
>>> -Tyler
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