If I do a grep of FNEXRAD on /logs/ldmd.log, I get this:
Nov 03 16:08:20 wx idd.meteo.psu.edu[6318] NOTE: LDM-6 desired product-
class: 20101103150820.106 TS_ENDT {{FNEXRAD, "^radar_mosaic"},{NONE,
Nov 03 16:12:17 wx idd.cise-nsf.gov[6319] NOTE: LDM-6 desired product-
class: 20101103151217.067 TS_ENDT {{FNEXRAD, "^radar_mosaic"},{NONE,
Nov 04 01:37:29 wx idd.meteo.psu.edu[6318] NOTE: LDM-6 desired product-
class: 20101104003729.037 TS_ENDT {{FNEXRAD, "^radar_mosaic"},{NONE,
On Nov 5, 2010, at 12:33 PM, Jeff Lake - Admin wrote:
Im seeing it
-sh-3.2$ bin/ldmadmin watch -f FNEXRAD
(Type ^D when finished)
Nov 05 16:28:03 pqutil INFO: 1196309 20101105162801.113 FNEXRAD
000 rad/NEXRCOMP/1km/n0r_20101105_1625
Nov 05 16:28:03 pqutil INFO: 50979 20101105162801.579 FNEXRAD
000 pnga2area Q5 RL 300 RADAR BREF 6km 20101105 1625
Nov 05 16:28:10 pqutil INFO: 37612 20101105162809.030 FNEXRAD
000 rad/NEXRCOMP/4km/ntp_20101105_1626
Nov 05 16:28:14 pqutil INFO: 2699516 20101105162810.592 FNEXRAD
000 radar_mosaic_nathr !grib2/unidata/UPC_255/#000/201011051625F000/
N0R/0 - NONE! 000000
check your logs/ldmd.log, might provide you with the error..
Jeff Lake K8JSL
Dear All,
One of our favorite LDM products is an hourly high-res (~1km)
gridded radar composite product in GRIB2 format. The last file
received was at 16:20Z 3 November. We have a query in the queue at
unidata support (IDD #WXQ-924153) but have not heard anything other
than it is 'under investigation'. Does anyone know the source of
this data set, or if there is an alternative way to get it (an FTP
server perhaps) or something similar as a backup while it is down?
Here is the entry from our /etc/ldmd.conf file:
REQUEST FNEXRAD "^radar_mosaic" idd.meteo.psu.edu
REQUEST FNEXRAD "^radar_mosaic" idd.cise-nsf.gov
Any guidance or suggestions will be most welcome!
Jennifer M. Adams
4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
Calverton, MD 20705
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Jennifer M. Adams
4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
Calverton, MD 20705