Hi Steve
Now I understand! Then, the size of ldm.pq is always the same and will not
disturb the ingestion of data.
Thanks a lot
2010/11/19 Carina Padilha <carina.padilha@xxxxxxxxx>
> Hi Gilbert and Daryl
> Thanks for your fast answer. Yes, I am using LDM 6.8.1. I changed the file
> ldmadmin-pl.conf to $pq_size = "4G", because I am ingesting data from
> CONDUIT (GFS model). The ldm.pq file has around 4 G (4 075 618 304), that is
> why I want to delete it.
> "This 'file' can be thought of as a rotating queue of data slots where
> products are inserted, deleted, etc as the running LDM processes see fit."
> Then, I can't modify it, the products will go out of the file just by LDM,
> and it will be always around 4 G? One more question: so, the size of this
> file will not disturb the ingestion of data by LDM?
> I am asking this because I had problems to receive data from CONDUIT (GFS
> 12hs) and I thought that maybe the problem was the size of the file ldm.pq.
> Using ldmadmin watch, I saw that the model was acessed correctly, but the
> folder at my machine (order in pqact) was empty.
> The lines of pqact:
> CONDUIT ^/data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/gfs\.(.*)/gfs\.t..z\.pgrb2f(.*)
> !grib2/ncep/GFS/#000/(.*)!
> FILE /usr/local/ldm/data/modelos/NCEP/GFS/50km/GFS50_\1.grib2
> Thanks a lot
> 2010/11/19 daryl herzmann <akrherz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> On Fri, 19 Nov 2010, Carina Padilha wrote:
>> I have problems with the product queue, I think that people that are
>>> using ldm since long time can help me. The file ldm.pq is too big, I want to
>>> clean it and I don't know how to do it. I delete the file using ldmadmin
>>> delqueue and create again with ldmadmin mkqueue, but the file returns with
>>> the same size. I stop and start ldm and nothing happens. I use ldmadmin
>>> clean, but I think it's not the problem, nothing happens. I read a lot about
>>> this product queue and how to work with it, but it is not clear for me how
>>> to take data from it and how to delete information in it. Can someone help
>>> me to find the problem? Thanks
>> The LDM queue file is a fixed file size based on what you have set in your
>> etc/ldmadmin-pl.conf file (look at $pq_size). This 'file' can be thought of
>> as a rotating queue of data slots where products are inserted, deleted, etc
>> as the running LDM processes see fit. To take data from it, check out the
>> 'pqcat' command, which you can use to dump out products by matching the
>> names they are stored in the queue under.
>> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/ldm/ldm-current/basics/product-queue.html
>> daryl
>> --
>> /**
>> * Daryl Herzmann
>> * Assistant Scientist -- Iowa Environmental Mesonet
>> * http://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu
>> */