If you stop LDM, you can delete the file using 'ldmadmin delqueue' but
then, for the LDM application to run again, you have to execute
'ldmadmin mkqueue' If you use 'ldmadmin mkqueue -f' instead it will take
a little less time.
Once the product queue is created and has reached its normal, configured
size, it will not grow. It's essentially a fixed length file.
You would want to make sure the product queue is of sufficient size to
not drop products.
One problem often encountered is that a lot of the 'whitespace' in the
pqact.conf file needs to be tabs.
If you want to send the file as an attachment directly to me, I will
make sure the tabs are in the right spot. If the pqact program is
expecting tabs and sees spaces, it will not process the directive correctly.
Carina Padilha wrote:
Hi Gilbert and Daryl
Thanks for your fast answer. Yes, I am using LDM 6.8.1. I changed the
file ldmadmin-pl.conf to $pq_size = "4G", because I am ingesting data
from CONDUIT (GFS model). The ldm.pq file has around 4 G (4 075 618
304), that is why I want to delete it.
"This 'file' can be thought of as a rotating queue of data slots where
products are inserted, deleted, etc as the running LDM processes see
fit." Then, I can't modify it, the products will go out of the file just
by LDM, and it will be always around 4 G? One more question: so, the
size of this file will not disturb the ingestion of data by LDM?
I am asking this because I had problems to receive data from CONDUIT
(GFS 12hs) and I thought that maybe the problem was the size of the file
ldm.pq. Using ldmadmin watch, I saw that the model was acessed
correctly, but the folder at my machine (order in pqact) was empty.
The lines of pqact:
CONDUIT ^/data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/gfs\.(.*)/gfs\.t..z\.pgrb2f(.*)
FILE /usr/local/ldm/data/modelos/NCEP/GFS/50km/GFS50_\1.grib2
Thanks a lot
2010/11/19 daryl herzmann <akrherz@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:akrherz@xxxxxxxxxxx>>
On Fri, 19 Nov 2010, Carina Padilha wrote:
I have problems with the product queue, I think that people that
are using ldm since long time can help me. The file ldm.pq is
too big, I want to clean it and I don't know how to do it. I
delete the file using ldmadmin delqueue and create again with
ldmadmin mkqueue, but the file returns with the same size. I
stop and start ldm and nothing happens. I use ldmadmin clean,
but I think it's not the problem, nothing happens. I read a lot
about this product queue and how to work with it, but it is not
clear for me how to take data from it and how to delete
information in it. Can someone help me to find the problem? Thanks
The LDM queue file is a fixed file size based on what you have set
in your etc/ldmadmin-pl.conf file (look at $pq_size). This 'file'
can be thought of as a rotating queue of data slots where products
are inserted, deleted, etc as the running LDM processes see fit. To
take data from it, check out the 'pqcat' command, which you can use
to dump out products by matching the names they are stored in the
queue under.
* Daryl Herzmann
* Assistant Scientist -- Iowa Environmental Mesonet
* http://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu
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