Re: [ldm-users] This is why NOAAPort is down...

Gilbert - for everyone's sake . . . if you could post that EMWIN ingest script you have. I believe I know the author, and he is cool with everyone having it. It can be adapted to suck in the METAR/TAFs from the NOAA FTP site, also. At home, or would post it myself.


On 12/05/2010 08:12 PM, Gilbert Sebenste wrote:
Rogue satellite Galaxy 15, which lost telemetry back in April, has been
drifitng in a predictable path across many satellites since it failed.
Late yesterday and today, it was/is passing right in front of SES-1.
When it scoots on by, then NOAAport will return.


Gilbert Sebenste ********
(My opinions only!) ******
Staff Meteorologist, Northern Illinois University ****
E-mail: sebenste@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ***
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