Re: [ldm-users] GFS 212 missing F090 and F096?

Hello Neil,

Due to problems with the operational supercomputer the GFS is running 30-60 minutes late.

Please check NOUS42 KWNO messages for the latest updates from the Senior Duty Meteorologist:

Justin Cooke
NCEP Central Operations

Neil Smith wrote:
Is the GFS 212 (40 km) missing F090 and F096 for anyone else but us?
Did I miss some config or table change?

This appears to be occurring with both of our ldm's:
1. ldm-6.8.1, gempak 5.11.4, FreeBSD 7.2
2. ldm-6.9.2, gempak 6.2.0, CentOS 5.5

Neil Smith         neils@xxxxxxxx <mailto:neils@xxxxxxxx>
Comp. Sys. Mngr., Atmospheric Sciences


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