[ldm-users] Yes, CME's do affect satellite reception

By now, many of you have seen that Aurora Borealis (aka, the "Northern Lights" were seen throughout much of the U.S. in an incredibly short time frame this evening...peaking for only 15 minutes or so, but seen for a few hours faintly before and after the "main event".

As it turns out, this did affect NOAAPort reception. For me, not significantly, as the carrier:noise ratio remained well above 9, which is when I start losing data. But still, you could easily see when this event was peaking. Time-sensitive link that resets at 0Z Wednesday:


Looks like they also raised the power a tad shortly thereafter!

Gilbert Sebenste                                                     ********
(My opinions only!)                                                  ******
Staff Meteorologist, Northern Illinois University                      ****
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