Re: [ldm-users] Making a move

Perfect. Thanks!

On 05/07/2012 10:57 PM, Gilbert Sebenste wrote:
On Mon, 7 May 2012, Gerry Creager wrote:

As some of you have seen on social media, I'm moving from Texas A&M
University to OU/CIMMS, to work with NSSL. My departure is imminent,
but I'm trying to get some things cleaned up.

A&M's transition to a cluster environment similar to is virtually ready to go. I expect to put it up
Tueasday 8 MAY) afternoon, and ask a few folks to test against it. I
expect no problems, so I think it'll go off smoothly, and be ready for
a general transition this week.

It's not gonna be bigibird and sasquatch anymore, because I've opted
for less "cute" names, such as and

Please transition now to That cname is pointed now at
both bigbird and sasquatch. When we go operational with the cluster,
it will be moved to point at the director node of the cluster, and NOT
to the individual old servers. Part of the importance of this is that,
at the time of the transition, bigbird and sasquatch will stop
accepting connections save from the cluster, and solely on an internal
interface and discrete port. These two machines will serve to provide
the back-end services to the cluster and should keep us pretty well
provisioned for data.

I've been asked to continue to support the LDM cluster and AWIPS2
infrastructure here, and I intend to do so. That said, please send
problem notes and feed requests to tamu-ldm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx so that
our whole team can see them and we can act as soon as possible.

I expect I'll remain on this list, as I can envision keeping an LDM
system going although the NSSL has plenty of data coming in. Still,
I've gotten to where I like letting a pqact trigger do the heavy
lifting for me!

NIU has switched over to successfully, except for our
NOAAport ingest server; that remains allowed for bigbird and sasquatch,
since those are/will remain your ingest machines.



Gilbert Sebenste ********
(My opinions only!) ******
Staff Meteorologist, Northern Illinois University ****
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