[ldm-users] NEXRAD2 Latency/Fragmented Data?

We are (and have been for some time) seeing a huge latency (between 30 to 90 
minutes) on the NEXRAD2 feed.  At present, our constellation of three servers 
are pulling from Texas A&M (bigbird & idd) and Michigan Weather Systems.

Are there network issues or something I might be missing?

Additionally, I'm noticing that the data we do receive is often incomplete.  
For example, the most recent scan I received for KFWS (who has been in 212 for 
the last few hours) included only 7 of the 14 tilts for reflectivity, and some 
of the volume scans (like VIL) were absent entirely.

It's entirely possible that I need to tweak my pqact.conf settings, but it 
seems like we didn't start having issues until the latency kicked up in the 
last week or two.  Here is what we have now (an excerpt from pqact.conf...feel 
free to correct me if we've got this wrong):

# L2 data
NEXRAD2 ^L2-BZIP2/(....)/([0-9]{8})([0-9]{4})[0-9]{2}/([0-9]{1,4}).*/[SI]
        FILE    data/nexrad2/\1/\1_\2-\3.part
NEXRAD2 ^L2-BZIP2/(....)/([0-9]{8})([0-9]{4})[0-9]{2}/([0-9]{1,4}).*/E
        FILE    -close data/nexrad2/\1/\1_\2-\3.part
NEXRAD2 ^L2-BZIP2/(....)/([0-9]{8})([0-9]{4})[0-9]{2}/([0-9]{1,4}).*/E
        EXEC    safemv data/nexrad2/\1/\1_\2-\3.part data/nexrad2/\1/\1_\2-\3

If anyone else would be willing to provide an "ALLOW" entry for one or two of 
our servers for NEXRAD2, we would be very appreciative.  (We're bringing on 
several new servers over the next two or three months…with at least one being 
1Gbps…and we will be happy to share the bandwidth and spread the love.)


Blair Trosper
Weather Data / Updraft Networks
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