Hi Carissa & James,
Thanks for your note - glad to hear that the page I was referencing is not out
of date. I think everything is okay now.
Yes, I am able to see products out to 84 hours using notifyme, so the issue was
definitely on our end. I'm just confused as to why (without any configuration
changes) we would stop receiving these extra grids.
I tinkered around with the pqact file and the configuration below seems to be
working this morning for NAM218 and NAM212. We are receiving the grids beyond
F060 - just received the F063-072 hr grids. Our old pattern was set to match
either HDS or CONDUIT, so perhaps HDS only sends out 60/48 hours?
# NAM #218 12km grid CONUS
CONDUIT prod/nam.*awip12
PIPE /home/ldm/decoders/dcgrib2 -d
-e GEMTBL=/store1/gempak/GEMPAK6.7.0/gempak/tables
#NAM #212 40km grid CONUS
CONDUIT prod/nam.*awip3d
PIPE /home/ldm/decoders/dcgrib2 -d
-e GEMTBL=/store1/gempak/GEMPAK6.7.0/gempak/tables
I also noticed that the volume of data transferred on the CONDUIT feed
according to Unidata's stats page is back up to where it should be this
James - thanks for the note regarding the maximum number of grids - I'll
definitely check that out and modify as necessary.
Thanks again for the help!
- Phil
On Apr 22, 2013, at 9:49 AM, Carissa Klemmer - NOAA Federal
<carissa.l.klemmer@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Phil,
> The last update to the NAM model was in the fall of 2011, so the NCEP
> products page should be accurate and there have been no changes to the
> forecast hours of the NAM 212. Having said that I can also confirm that NCEP
> is still sending hours up to 84 to the CONDUIT LDM as of the 06Z cycle on the
> 22nd. But before we get the CONDUIT folks involved I must press on the
> comment you made below, "Using notifyme on the CONDUIT feed, I found a
> product awip3d78" since awip3dFF (FF is forecast hour) is the NAM 212. So you
> can see through a notify me the NAM 212 products out to hour 84? That means
> you should be able to receive the products. I would suggest you taking a look
> at your pqact.conf and would need more information to be able to provide
> further assistance. But if you are concerned that you are having issues
> receiving data through your CONDUIT feed you should send an email to the
> CONDUIT helpdesk.
> Let me know if we can provide any additional help,
> --
> Carissa Klemmer
> NCEP Central Operation
> Production Management Branch Dataflow Team
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Phil Birnie <phil@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Sun, Apr 21, 2013 at 10:40 AM
> Subject: [ldm-users] NAM212 Truncated
> To: "ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> First, apologies if this is not the correct list; if I should direct this
> question elsewhere, please let me know.
> --
> Up until this week, we had been ingesting NAM212 girds (40km resolution)
> using the pattern:
> HDS|CONDUIT ((/mNAM|/mNMM).*#212|prod/nam.*awip3d)
> We received the grids for 0-84 hours; however starting Wednesday or Thursday,
> this was truncated to 60 hours on 00Z/12Z runs and 48 hours on 06Z/18Z runs.
> I'm unable to find any documentation of:
> a) Whether this is a permanent change (my guess would be yes) and
> b) If there is a similar replacement or upgrade that goes out to 84 hours.
> We are seeking answers to both of these questions.
> (As a side note, I noticed we may have a problem with receiving data on the
> CONDUIT feed - these charts to do not look good -
> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/cgi-bin/rtstats/iddstats_nc?CONDUIT+twister2.sbs.ohio-state.edu
> )
> Using notifyme on the CONDUIT feed, I found a product awip3d78 that does
> provide grids to 84 hours -- however, I'm unsure of the NAM product with
> which these grids are associated. What is the best way to determine this?
> This page: http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/products/nam/ seems woefully out
> of date (hasn't been updated since Oct 2011).
> Thanks in advance for any assistance or guidance,
> --
> Phil Birnie ♣
> (Alumnus and Volunteer Administrator of Twister at Ohio State University)
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> --
> Carissa Klemmer
> NCEP Central Operations
> Production Management Branch Dataflow Team
> 301-683-3835