Re: [ldm-users] update

On Thu, 23 May 2013, Gilbert Sebenste wrote:

A fan blew on, and, unfortunately, before the computer could shut itself off, it fried the hard drive. Both have been replaced, and I am installing CentOS 6.4 on there right now. After that, I will try to restore from backup. I hope to have it running by 5 PM tomorrow. In the interim, weather and are happily serving data; please make sure that you have those in your backups. Since you should already have them in your backups, this is an information notice only.
As of 9:15 CT Friday (2:15 GMT Saturday), is back 
on the air. However, my latest backup was a dud, and I had to restore 
from an older backup. If you are being denied and you had access to a feed 
on there, PLEASE let me know. Thanks!
As for the blown fan and hard drive...the motor was shot on the fan, and 
the hard drive, which gave me issues on and off for 4 years...two words:
Hulk SMASH! ;-)


Gilbert Sebenste                                                    ********
(My opinions only!)                                                  ******
Staff Meteorologist, Northern Illinois University                      ****
E-mail: sebenste@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                  ***
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