The NGRID feed of HRRR data represents what is provided by NCEP to the
NOAA SBN/Noaaport. The headers used can be found here:
So you see the subset of data that is provided...
The direct feed of NCEP products to Unidata/LDM is found on the CONDUIT
I am unsure of the HRRR plans for CONDUIT. So I think the answer to your
question is yes, FTP/HTTP requests for now.
On Thu, 5 Feb 2015, Paul Prestopnik wrote:
Is it possible to get the 3D volume of operational HRRR data (either
pressure or native levels) from NCEP via the LDM?
Currently I request like this:
REQUEST NGRID "HRRR" idd.unidata.ucar.edu
and have this pqact line:
NGRID ^.*grib2/ncep/HRRR/.*/([0-9]{8})([0-9]{2})00F([0-9]{3})
FILE -flush -log
I am getting files, but it looks like just particular levels, not the full
3D volume. Do I have to use ftp to obtain the full 3D volume?
* Daryl Herzmann
* Assistant Scientist -- Iowa Environmental Mesonet
* http://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu