Thank you all.
On Apr 14, 2015 5:32 PM, "Steve Emmerson" <emmerson@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 4:02 PM, Donna Cote <d-cote@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Steve, the description for the log file template says the date is the
>> "product creation time" but this is a log entry simply telling me that this
>> host (namely has made a REQUEST for data from the CONDUIT
>> feed.
>> So, what does this timestamp refer to? That's the basic question.
> You're quite right. For the benefit of others, here's the original log
> file entry:
> Mar 31 00:54:25 ldm1[24576] NOTE: Starting
>> Up(6.11.7/5): 20150312170024.533 TS_ENDT {{CONDUIT,
>> "^data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/gfs.+/gfs.t..z.pgrbf.+grib2.+"}}
> I didn't notice the "Starting Up" field. My bad.
> The "20150312170024.533" field isn't the creation-time of a data-product;
> rather, it's the "from" time in the request from the notifyme(1) process
> running on host "". Downstream LDM processes such as
> notifyme(1) specify "from" and "to" times in their request in order to
> limit the interval over which they'll receive data. Typically, the "from"
> time is an hour ago and the "to" time is the end-of-time.
> I'd guess that the clock on that host needs some serious adjusting.
> --Steve