Hi Joe,
It looks like that previously you were getting HRRR from NOAA GSD
(experimental), and what you are seeing now is the NCEP HRRR (operational).
Here are the pqact entries we use at Unidata to get the NCEP feed for both
analysis and forecast grids:
# ---------------------------------------------
# - NCEP High Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) -
# ---------------------------------------------
# High Resolution Radid Refresh (HRRR) grid output from NCEP
# Based on http://www.nws.noaa.gov/os/notification/tin14-28hrrr-aac.htm
# Forecast Grids
NGRID ^Y.C.* KWBY (..)(..).*F([0-9][0-9][0-9])
FILE /data/ldm/pub/native/grid/NCEP/HRRR/CONUS_2p5km/HRRR_
# http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/on388/appendixa.html
# Analysis Grids
NGRID ^Y.CA.* KWBY (..)(..)
FILE /data/ldm/pub/native/grid/NCEP/HRRR/CONUS_2p5km_
Just don't forget to replace the spaces with tabs where you need to do so!
On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 9:11 AM, Joe Kider <kiderj@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Previously I could download HRRR data for our experiments like this:
> ldmd.conf
> request FSL2 "(.*000Hour)" idd.unidata.ucar.edu
> pqact.conf
> FSL2
> ^GRIB2.*1905141_Lambert.*20([0-9][0-9][0-1][0-9][0-3][0-9][0-2][0-9][0-9][0-9]).*
> FILE -close
> /mnt/wd/HRRR/HRRR_3km_(\1:yyyy)(\1:mm)\1_\200.grib2
> But I recently saw the data set has moved to NGRID
> ./notifyme -vl - -h idd.unidata.ucar.edu -f ANY -p "HRRR" -o 36000
> I tried modifying my ldmd and pqact conf files without any success as
> follows:
> request NGRID "(.*HRRR)(.*F000)" idd.unidata.ucar.edu
> NGRID ^[LM].D... KWB. (..)(..).*HRRR/#255
> FILE -close
> /mnt/wd/HRRR/HRRR_3km_(\1:yyyy)(\1:mm)\1_\200.grib2
> But have not gotten any new data
> any sugguestions?>
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