On Wed, 2 Dec 2015, Smith, Neil R wrote:
From the GEMPAK72 $GEMTBL/grid/gribkey.tbl we have
007 x 077,81,96 002 data/gempak/model/gfs/YYYYMMDDHH_gfs@@@.gem 9000
007 x 077,81,96 003 data/gempak/model/gfs/YYYYMMDDHH_gfs@@@.gem 29000
007 x 077,81,96 004 data/gempak/model/gfs0.5deg/YYYYMMDDHHfFFF_gfs.gem
Which one of these does the HDS gfs211 need?
I’m getting the following logged for that ingest:
[DCGRIB -53] no file template [7.0 96 211]
I get the gfs 211 grid. I have in my gribkey.tbl the following entry in
addition to the ones you listed:
007 x 077,81,96 @@@ data/gempak/model/gfs/YYYYMMDDHH_gfs@@@.gem
The '@@@' wildcard in the grid field should match for the 211 grid.
Tom McDermott 305 Lennon Hall
Systems Administrator Email: tmcderm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Department of the Earth Sciences Phone: (585) 395-5718
The College at Brockport Fax: (585) 395-2416
State University of New York
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