Re: [ldm-users] 20151202: NLDN feed back up, but moved - was Re: NLDN feed down

  • To: Harry Edmon <harry@xxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [ldm-users] 20151202: NLDN feed back up, but moved - was Re: NLDN feed down
  • From: daessupport@xxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2015 14:50:37 -0500
Hi all,

Should be OK now. There was a bad allow line in our ldmd.conf,
and I made a newbie mistake. When I copied the allow
lines from striker2 to striker all the tabs got converted into spaces!

Thanks for your patience with this,


p.s. let daessupport@xxxxxxxxxx know if your are getting data or not now.

> On Dec 2, 2015, at 2:30 PM, Harry Edmon <harry@xxxxxx> wrote:
> Same here from and 
>   Correct address for striker, only 
> requesting 
> lightning from striker.
> On 12/02/15 11:23, Tom McDermott wrote:
>> On Wed, 2 Dec 2015, Tom Yoksas wrote:
>>> Questions for everyone:
>>> - what are your ldmd.conf REQUEST line(s) for LIGHTNING data?
>> Tom,
>> I just have 1 line (in other words, I don't get USPLN):
>> request    NLDN    ".*"
>>> - what IP address does resolve to on
>>> your LDM machines?
>>> The correct name <-> IP mapping is:
>>> <->
>> [393] vortex% nslookup
>> Server:
>> Address:
>> Non-authoritative answer:
>> Name:
>> Address:
>> [394] vortex% nslookup
>> Server:
>> Address:
>> Name:
>> Address:
>>> will troubleshoot things on striker.  If you are only REQUESTing the
>>> NLDN feed, also let us know so we can troubleshoot.
>> I only request NLDN, and I'm not getting any data.
>> Tom
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Tom McDermott                305 Lennon Hall
>> Systems Administrator            Email: tmcderm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Department of the Earth Sciences    Phone: (585) 395-5718
>> The College at Brockport        Fax: (585) 395-2416
>> State University of New York
>>> Here is a nice explanation of the difference between flashes and stokes:
>>> "Lightning flashes and strokes
>>> The term lightning flash is used to describe the entire discharge,
>>> which takes on the order of 0.2 seconds. But a flash is usually made up
>>> of several shorter discharges which last less than a millisecond and
>>> which repeat rapidly enough that the eye cannot resolve the multiple
>>> events. These individual discharges are called strokes. Sometimes the
>>> strokes are separated enough in time for the eye to resolve them, and
>>> the lightning appears to flicker."
>>> Cheers,
>>> Tom
>>> On 12/02/2015 11:01 AM, Pete Pokrandt wrote:
>>>> Something about how your allow is configured maybe? Maybe something
>>>> hard-wired in the ldm on striker that Tom put in when getting this
>>>> up and running? Or something in the hosts file messing with DNS resolution?
>>>> My request to you looks like this:
>>>> REQUEST         NLDN    ".*"
>>>> [should probably change that from NLDN to LIGHTNING if that's the 
>>>> convention 
>>>> now, but doesn't seem to be the issue..]
>>>> Pete
>>>> -- 
>>>> Pete Pokrandt - Systems Programmer
>>>> UW-Madison Dept of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
>>>> 608-262-3086  - poker@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>> ________________________________________
>>>> From: Tyle, Kevin R <ktyle@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, December 2, 2015 11:55 AM
>>>> To: Harry Edmon; Pete Pokrandt; Arthur A Person; Larry D. Oolman
>>>> Cc: ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Daes Support; Tom Yoksas
>>>> Subject: RE: [ldm-users] NLDN feed back up, but moved - was Re: NLDN feed 
>>>> down
>>>> Thanks all for the reports.
>>>> Looking at our ldmd.log, I notice that for each client that is connecting, 
>>>> we see lines like this:
>>>> Dec  2 17:31:38 striker <snip>.edu(f[11638] NOTE: topo: <snip>.edu 
>>>> {{LIGHTNING, (^((localhost|loopback)|(127\.0\.0\.1\.?$)))}}
>>>> Perhaps some LDM experts can comment, but the last part (i.e. the part 
>>>> with 
>>>> "localhost, loopback,") doesn't seem right.  At least we don't 
>>>> see 
>>>> similar entries on our LDM logs on (which 
>>>> requests/feeds the vast majority of our non-NLDN products) ...
>>>> _____________________________________________
>>>> Kevin Tyle, Systems Administrator
>>>> Dept. of Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences
>>>> University at Albany
>>>> Earth Science 235, 1400 Washington Avenue
>>>> Albany, NY 12222
>>>> Email: ktyle@xxxxxxxxxx
>>>> Phone: 518-442-4578
>>>> _____________________________________________
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Harry Edmon [mailto:harry@xxxxxx]
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2015 12:35 PM
>>>> To: Pete Pokrandt <poker@xxxxxxxxxxxx>; Tyle, Kevin R <ktyle@xxxxxxxxxx>; 
>>>> Arthur A Person <aap1@xxxxxxx>; Larry D. Oolman <ldoolman@xxxxxxxx>
>>>> Cc: ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Daes Support <daessupport@xxxxxxxxxx>; Tom 
>>>> Yoksas <yoksas@xxxxxxxx>
>>>> Subject: Re: [ldm-users] NLDN feed back up, but moved - was Re: NLDN feed 
>>>> down
>>>> I am also seeing the same thing.   I do a "kill -USR2" on the ldmd process
>>>> connected to striker, and it never logs anything.   But running notifyme 
>>>> on the
>>>> same machine lists products from striker.
>>>> On 12/02/15 09:27, Pete Pokrandt wrote:
>>>>> I see the same thing. I see products shown on striker if I do a notifyme, 
>>>>> e.g.
>>>>> [ldm@idd ~]$ notifyme -v -l - -h -f NLDN Dec
>>>>> 02 17:24:08 notifyme[34064] NOTE: Starting Up:
>>>>> 20151202172408.128 TS_ENDT {{LIGHTNING,
>>>>> ".*"}} Dec 02 17:24:08 notifyme[34064] NOTE: LDM-5 desired
>>>>> product-class: 20151202172408.128 TS_ENDT {{LIGHTNING, ".*"}} Dec 02 
>>>>> 17:24:08 notifyme[34064] INFO: Resolving to 
>>>>> took 0.005686 seconds Dec 02 17:24:08 notifyme[34064] NOTE: 
>>>>> Dec 02 17:25:09 notifyme[34064] INFO:       84 20151202172440.789 
>>>>> 000  2015336172440
>>>>> Dec 02 17:26:09 notifyme[34064] INFO:       84 20151202172540.949 
>>>>> 000  2015336172540
>>>>> but a similar notifyme from another machine to 
>>>>> shows nothing.
>>>>> ldmadmin watch -f lightning on similarly shows no 
>>>>> products 
>>>>> coming through. Strange..
>>>>> Pete
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Pete Pokrandt - Systems Programmer
>>>>> UW-Madison Dept of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
>>>>> 608-262-3086  - poker@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>> From: ldm-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>> <ldm-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Tyle, Kevin R
>>>>> <ktyle@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, December 2, 2015 11:09 AM
>>>>> To: Arthur A Person; Larry D. Oolman
>>>>> Cc: ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Daes Support; Tom Yoksas
>>>>> Subject: Re: [ldm-users] NLDN feed back up,     but moved - was Re: NLDN 
>>>>> feed down
>>>>> Curious, we see the same thing when we REQUEST from striker from one of 
>>>>> our 
>>>>> LDM client machines.  We connect ok, but on the client machine we see no 
>>>>> products coming through.
>>>>> Is anyone receiving NLDN products from  Tom Y, 
>>>>> how about you?
>>>>> _____________________________________________
>>>>> Kevin Tyle, Systems Administrator
>>>>> Dept. of Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences University at Albany
>>>>> Earth Science 235, 1400 Washington Avenue Albany, NY 12222
>>>>> Email: ktyle@xxxxxxxxxx
>>>>> Phone: 518-442-4578
>>>>> _____________________________________________
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: ldm-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>> [mailto:ldm-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Arthur A
>>>>> Person
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2015 8:51 PM
>>>>> To: Larry D. Oolman <ldoolman@xxxxxxxx>
>>>>> Cc: ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Daes Support <daessupport@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>> Subject: Re: [ldm-users] NLDN feed back up, but moved - was Re: NLDN
>>>>> feed down
>>>>> Larry, David,
>>>>> I'm having the same problem... WSI stuff is coming through via request 
>>>>> lines, but NLDN is not.  But notifyme pulls NLDN through okay.  I've 
>>>>> tried 
>>>>> several variations on the request line thinking it's getting confused 
>>>>> with 
>>>>> the WSI request line, but so far no luck.  I don't think I had this 
>>>>> problem 
>>>>> before...
>>>>>                 Art
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>> From: "Larry D. Oolman" <ldoolman@xxxxxxxx>
>>>>>> To: "Knight, David" <dknight@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>> Cc: ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Daes Support"
>>>>>> <daessupport@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 1, 2015 8:14:18 PM
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [ldm-users] NLDN feed back up,   but moved - was Re: NLDN 
>>>>>> feed down
>>>>>> On 12/01/15 18:08, Larry D. Oolman wrote:
>>>>>>> On 12/01/15 17:59, Larry D. Oolman wrote:
>>>>>>>> The data is available but it appears the pattern has changed from
>>>>>>>> YYYYjjjHHMMSS to YYYYmmddHHMMSS
>>>>>>> Correction, I am seeing
>>>>>>> (GLN1-ltg|USPLN1EX|USPLN1-ltg|NAPLN1|NAPLN1EX)-YYYY_mm_dd_HH_MM_SS.d
>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>> t
>>>>>> Need to proof better.  On striker I am seeing files like:
>>>>>> 2015336010607
>>>>>> 2015336010707
>>>>>> 2015336010807
>>>>>> 2015336010908
>>>>>> I am not seeing these on my server.
>>>>>> The other files are coming from WSI.
>>>>>>>> On 12/01/15 17:50, Knight, David wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Larry,
>>>>>>>>>       Can you check to see it products are arriving now?
>>>>>>>>> try
>>>>>>>>> notifyme -xvl- -h -f NLDN also try the
>>>>>>>>> same on your ingest machine.
>>>>>>>>> I’m seeing
>>>>>>>>> ldmd.log:Dec  2 00:20:46 striker[15619]
>>>>>>>>> NOTE: Starting
>>>>>>>>> Up(6.11.7/6): 20151201232045.064 TS_ENDT {{LIGHTNING,  ".*”}}
>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>> David
>>>>>>>>>> On Dec 1, 2015, at 7:26 PM, Knight, David <dknight@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> There appears to be a problem. Thanks for the heads up.
>>>>>>>>>> Luckily not much lightning going on right now.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Dec 1, 2015, at 7:02 PM, Larry D. Oolman <ldoolman@xxxxxxxx> 
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On 12/01/15 13:26, Knight, David wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks to the help of Tom Yoksas, and other Unidata staff, we
>>>>>>>>>>>> now have the NLDN feed available again. We also moved it to a new 
>>>>>>>>>>>> computer.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Please change your request from
>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>> (note, the “2” has been removed from hostname)
>>>>>>>>>>> I am not seeing any products coming through.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Products are now being sent out in 1 minute bins (instead of 6
>>>>>>>>>>>> minute) so the data will be a little more timely.
>>>>>>>>>>>> We also have the possibility of including both cloud to ground
>>>>>>>>>>>> and cloud to cloud data. Currently the feed contains only cloud
>>>>>>>>>>>> to ground strikes. Is this something you’d be interested in?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Would it break what you are doing now?
>>>>>>>>>>> Both the one minute files and cloud to cloud would be great for us.
>>>>>>>>>>> We forward lighting products to our research aircraft to
>>>>>>>>>>> partially mitigate hazards of operating around convection.
>>>>>>>>>>>> David
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Nov 16, 2015, at 2:51 PM, Knight, David <dknight@xxxxxxxxxx> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>      The NLDN lightning feed from striker2 is currently not
>>>>>>>>>>>>> working properly. It is sending out products, but since about
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 16Z 12 November those products have not contained any useful
>>>>>>>>>>>>> data. It is a slow time of year, but there has been lightning 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> since 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nov 12.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       We are working toward finding a solution to this problem.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> In the mean time, you might want to use the USPLN/NAPLN/GLN data 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> feed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your patience as we work to get NLDN going again.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> David
>>>>>>>>>>>> David Knight
>>>>>>>>>>>> Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences  Tel: 
>>>>>>>>>>>> (518)-442-4204
>>>>>>>>>>>> University at Albany ES-228                         Fax: 
>>>>>>>>>>>> (518)-442-4494
>>>>>>>>>>>> Albany, NY 12222 Email: dknight@xxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>> ldm-users mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>>> ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>>> For list information or to unsubscribe, visit:
>>>>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>>>>> Larry Oolman
>>>>>>>>>>> Department of Atmospheric Science University of Wyoming Dept.
>>>>>>>>>>> 3038, 1000 E. University Ave.
>>>>>>>>>>> Laramie, WY 82071
>>>>>>>>>>> ldoolman@xxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>> David Knight
>>>>>>>>>> Dept. of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences Tel: (518)-442-4204
>>>>>>>>>> University at Albany, ES-228 Fax: (518)-442-4494
>>>>>>>>>> Albany, NY  12222 Email: dknight@xxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>> David Knight
>>>>>>>>> Dept. of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences Tel: (518)-442-4204
>>>>>>>>> University at Albany, ES-228 Fax: (518)-442-4494
>>>>>>>>> Albany, NY  12222 Email: dknight@xxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> Larry Oolman
>>>>>> Department of Atmospheric Science
>>>>>> University of Wyoming
>>>>>> Dept. 3038, 1000 E. University Ave.
>>>>>> Laramie, WY 82071
>>>>>> ldoolman@xxxxxxxx
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> ldm-users mailing list
>>>>>> ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>> For list information or to unsubscribe,  visit:
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Arthur A. Person
>>>>> Research Assistant, System Administrator Penn State Department of
>>>>> Meteorology
>>>>> email:  aap1@xxxxxxx, phone:  814-863-1563
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>>>>> ldm-users mailing list
>>>>> ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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>>>> -- 
>>>> Dr. Harry Edmon
>>>> harry@xxxxxx, 206-543-0547, FAX: 206-543-0308 Director of IT, College of 
>>>> the 
>>>> Environment and Director of Computing, Dept of Atmospheric Sciences 
>>>> University of Washington, Box 351640, Seattle, WA 98195-1640
>>> -- 
>>> +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
>>> * Tom Yoksas                                      UCAR Unidata Program *
>>> * (303) 497-8642 (last resort)                           P.O. Box 3000 *
>>> * yoksas@xxxxxxxx                                    Boulder, CO 80307 *
>>> * Unidata WWW Service *
>>> +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> ldm-users mailing list
>>> ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> For list information or to unsubscribe,  visit: 
> -- 
> Dr. Harry Edmon
> harry@xxxxxx, 206-543-0547, FAX: 206-543-0308
> Director of IT, College of the Environment and
> Director of Computing, Dept of Atmospheric Sciences
> University of Washington, Box 351640, Seattle, WA 98195-1640

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