Hi Chris,
Although the LDM version you are running is old (6.13.6 is current/stable), it
shouldn't be doing this. This sounds more like a GEMPAK issue. What GEMPAK
version are you running?
On Feb 8, 2017, at 8:22 AM, Christopher Hennon
<chennon@xxxxxxxx<mailto:chennon@xxxxxxxx>> wrote:
For some time now, our LDM only writes the 0000 UTC upperair data. The dcuair
log file has a lot of entries like this:
[21755] 170207/1245[DCUAIR 2] INVALID DATTIM: 170205/1200 170207/1745
Our pqact.conf entry looks like this:
# upper air reports
PIPE decoders/dcuair -b 24 -m 16
-d data/gempak/logs/dcuair.log
-e GEMTBL=/home/gempak/NAWIPS/gempak/tables
-s snstns.tbl
We are running version 6.10.1 (I know, we need to update). Did I miss a
change? Any ideas?
Dr. Christopher C. Hennon
Chair and Associate Professor
Department of Atmospheric Sciences
UNC Asheville
1 University Heights
CPO #2450
Asheville, NC 28804
1.828.232.5159 (phone)
1.828.232.5046 (fax)
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