Thanks, Daryl and Patrick! I guess the product IDs weren't built into the LDM
for GOES-16 yet, so NOTHER is the feedtype it is under.
It almost looks like somebody restarted an LDM around 19Z as there was a
momentary data dropout. In any case, it's also obvious that they were working
on the data feed all afternoon, as the carrier to noise was a little bit lower
after the GOES-16 feed was added, there were some data drop outs around 21Z.
But now it is stable, and I am seeing a carrier to noise ratio of 17.2 to 1.
That's right where it should be.
It was a huge feat for NOAA/NWS to get that satellite up there. And in its own
right, it was a huge feat to get the GOES-16 feed going on NOAAport. Outside of
a minor glitch this afternoon, everything appears to be hunky-dory. Kudos to
the National Weather Service, and their contractors, for a job well done.
> On Mar 2, 2017, at 3:46 PM, daryl herzmann <akrherz@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Howdy,
> Whatever it may be worth to the community, I have collected up ~10 minutes
> worth (1.1GB yowzers) of the NOTHER GOES-R feed in this zip file.
> I chomped off the WMO header (36 bytes worth) within each product so that
> each file should be a valid netcdf4 file.
> daryl
> PS, my testing pqact entry:
> NOTHER (TI....) (....) (......) (...)
> PIPE -close python /home/ldm/ /home/ldm/goesr/\1_\2_\3_\
> and my script
> ===============================
> import sys
> fn = sys.argv[1]
> data =
> o = open(fn, 'wb')
> o.write(data[36:])
> o.close()
> ==============================
>> On Thu, 2 Mar 2017, Mike Zuranski wrote:
>> Hi Patrick,
>> I have, though I haven't tried to take any action on it yet. First off,
>> everything I see is coming in from NOTHER, not NIMAGE. But the following
>> pattern works for me: -p "TI[RS].[01][0-9] KNES"
>> That pattern should catch anything for GOES-16. One interesting note, I
>> see TIRC.. products, looks like a fresh set every 5 minutes so I'm guessing
>> that could be CONUS since they haven't committed to East or West yet. But
>> like I said, haven't investigated too deeply yet.
>> ~Mike Zuranski
>> On Thu, Mar 2, 2017 at 2:31 PM, Patrick L. Francis <wxprofessor@xxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>>> i've been running some notifymes on the dish and haven't seen anything for
>>> goes-16 or goesr yet.. has anyone else noticed a pattern?
>>> …………………………………………………………...........
>>> Patrick L. Francis
>>> Director of Research & Development
>>> Aeris Weather
>>> wxprofessor@xxxxxxxxx
>>> …………………………………………………………
>>> ..
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> /**
> * daryl herzmann
> * Systems Analyst III -- Iowa Environmental Mesonet
> *
> */
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