Heads-up all -
There will be no imagery via the NOAA PDA (NOAAport) for a ~26 hour period,
beginning around 2300 UTC on 28 March. This is a planned outage.
Per Scott Bachmeier
Scott Bachmeier on
“#GOES16 users: no imagery via the NOAA PDA for a ~26 hour period, beginning
around 2300 UTC on 28 March; data *will* be available via GRB.”
Pete Pokrandt - Systems Programmer
UW-Madison Dept of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
608-262-3086 - poker@xxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Pete Pokrandt
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2017 2:32 PM
To: Gilbert Sebenste; ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; NOAAPORT
Cc: Victor Gensini
Subject: Re: [ldm-users] The big day has come: GOES-16 is here! At least
No GOES16 data on the NOTHER feed since 13:45 CDT // 18:45 UTC. Just a Pre-op
outage? or did it switch to a different feed or ??
Pete Pokrandt - Systems Programmer
UW-Madison Dept of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
608-262-3086 - poker@xxxxxxxxxxxx
From: ldm-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <ldm-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
on behalf of Gilbert Sebenste <gilbert@xxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, March 2, 2017 1:17 AM
To: ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; NOAAPORT
Subject: [ldm-users] The big day has come: GOES-16 is here! At least
Hello everyone,
The big day is here! GOES-16 data is going to be transmitted today over
NOAAport/SBN! Sent in netCDF4 format, it’s the day we’ve been waiting for since
the bird was launched successfully into orbit. For those of you who are eager
to view this experimental imagery (and if you put it on your websites, NOAA
requests that you clearly label the imagery as experimental!), I’d like to make
some comments and, for those who have receivers, a few “gotchas” to avoid.
1. First: I have no idea whether or not UNIDATA is ready to receive these
products, and disseminate them over the IDD today. Hopefully, someone there
will comment on this aspect of it.
2. For those who have Novra NOAAport receivers: make sure you are running
V2R15 firmware. If you do not have this installed, be ready for plenty of
packet losses and false VBER reports. If you do not have a Novra, but something
else…make sure you have the latest supported, non-beta firmware on it. Make
sure you are able to receive pid 108. That’s what the products will be sent on.
3. For those who have any NOAAport receivers: If your Carrier to Noise
(C/N), aka Signal to Noise (S/N) is less than 17, you MIGHT see considerable
amounts of lost packets. Always point your dish to receive the highest C/N or
S/N, NOT signal strength!
4. If you are seeing reception problems, first check your coax connectors.
They are the most common points of failure of getting acceptable reception. On
cable runs longer than 50’, use RG-11 cable.
The announcement for this was sent out yesterday in a SCN. Here it is, for
those who missed it. Go get ‘em, folks!
NOUS41 KWBC 011845
Service Change Notice 17-24
National Weather Service Headquarters Silver Spring, MD
245 PM EST Wed Mar 1 2017
To: Subscribers:
-NOAA Weather Wire Service
-Emergency Managers Weather Information Network
Other NWS Partners and NWS Employees
From: Joseph Pica
Director, NWS Office of Observations
Subject: Add Geostationary Operational Environmental
Satellite-16 (GOES-16) Imagery to the Satellite
Broadcast Network (SBN or NOAAPORT), effective
March 2, 2017
Effective on or after Thursday, March 2, 2017, at approximately
18UTC, GOES-16 Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) Sectorized Cloud
and Moisture Imagery (SCMI) will be added to the SBN (also known
The SBN feed of GOES-16 ABI imagery will be in a pre-operational
validation and testing phase through approximately November
2017. NOAA\'s GOES-16 satellite has not been declared operational
and its data are preliminary and undergoing testing. Users
receiving these data through any dissemination means assume all
risk related to their use of GOES-16 data and NOAA disclaims any
and all warranties, whether express or implied, including
(without limitation) any implied warranties of merchantability
or fitness for a particular purpose.
This preliminary imagery is being added to enable the testing of
networks and systems with actual GOES-16 imagery and so that
users will be able to evaluate the imagery during this
validation/test period. It is not recommended that this
preliminary imagery be used in operational forecast processes,
especially during the initial months of this validation/test
period. Any downstream postings of these data should clearly
convey their preliminary, non-operational and in-testing nature.
Furthermore, this data stream may be subject to temporary
unannounced data outages during this validation and testing
period. One or more follow-on notices will provide information
on the progress and conclusion of the validation period.
Refer to prior Technical Implementation Notice 15-24, which
introduced simulated GOES-R data to the SBN.
Eventually, the SBN will carry a range of GOES-16 products.
This notice concerns only the addition of GOES-16 ABI imagery.
A future notice will be issued for other GOES-16 products that
will be added to the SBN at a later date.
GOES-16 is stationed over its designated 89.5 degrees west
longitude station. From this location, it is undergoing checkout
and validation and is not yet designated GOES East or West.
Nevertheless, the SBN\'s GOES-R East channel (PID 108) will be
used to disseminate the GOES-16 imagery, at least until the time
when the spacecraft is repositioned to its final operational
station. For the foreseeable future, the operational GOES-East
(GOES-13) and GOES-West (GOES-15) data will remain unchanged on
SBN PIDs 102 (for CONUS imagery) and 104 (for OCONUS imagery).
The WMO headers for the GOES-16 imagery are as follows, with
references to the 11 character template:
Template: T1 T2 A1 A2 ii CCCC
T1 = T
T2 = I
A1 = R for large-scale (non-mesoscale) sectors
= S for mesoscale sectors
A2 Where A1=R, for large-scale (non-mesoscale) sectors, A2
corresponds to geographical sectors as follows:
= A for the Alaska Regional sector
= E for the East CONUS sector
= H for the Hawaii Regional sector
= P for the Puerto Rico Regional sector
= S for the East Full Disk
= T for the West Full Disk
= W for the West CONUS sector
Where A1=S, for mesoscale sectors, A2 values corresponds
to geographical latitude/longitude areas as follows:
= A for 45 deg. N <= Lat. < 60 deg. N and
120 deg. W < Long. <= 135 deg W
= B for 45 deg. N <= Lat. < 60 deg. N and
105 deg. W < Long. <= 120 deg. W
= C for 45 deg. N <= Lat. < 60 deg. N and
90 deg. W < Long. <= 105 deg. W
= D for 45 deg. N <= Lat. < 60 deg. N and
75 deg. W < Long. <= 90 deg. W
= E for 45 deg. N <= Lat. < 60 deg. N and
60 deg. W < Long. <= 75 deg. W
= F for 30 deg. N <= Lat. < 45 deg. N and
120 deg. W < Long. <= 135 deg. W
= G for 30 deg. N <= Lat. < 45 deg. N and
105 deg. W < Long. <= 120 deg. W
= H for 30 deg. N <= Lat. < 45 deg. N and
90 deg. W < Long. <= 105 deg. W
= I for 30 deg. N <= Lat. < 45 deg. N and
75 deg. W < Long. <= 90 deg. W
= J for 30 deg. N <= Lat. < 45 deg. N and
60 deg. W < Long. <= 75 deg. W
= K for 15 deg. N <= Lat. < 30 deg. N and
120 deg. W < Long. <= 135 deg. W
= L for 15 deg. N <= Lat. < 30 deg. N and
105 deg. W < Long. <= 120 deg. W
= M for 15 deg. N <= Lat. < 30 deg. N and
90 deg. W < Long. <= 105 deg. W
= N for 15 deg. N <= Lat. < 30 deg. N and
75 deg. W < Long. <= 90 deg. W
= O for 15 deg. N <= Lat. < 30 deg. N and
60 deg. W < Long. <= 75 deg. W
= P for 0 deg. N <= Lat. < 15 deg. N and
90 deg. W < Long. <= 135 deg. W
= Q for 0 deg. N <= Lat. < 15 deg. N and
60 deg. W < Long. <= 90 deg. W
= R for 45 deg. N <= Lat. < 90 deg. N and
135 deg. W < Long. <= 180 deg. W
= S for 0 deg. N <= Lat. < 45 deg. N and
135 deg. W < Long. <= 180 deg. W
= T for 60 deg. N <= Lat. < 90 deg. N and
90 deg. E < Long. <= 135 deg. W
= U for 0 deg. N <= Lat. < 60 deg. N and
90 deg. E < Long. <= 60 deg. W
= V for 0 deg. N <= Lat. < 90 deg. N and
180 deg. W < Long. <= 90 deg. E
= W and X are reserved for future use
= Y for 90 deg. S <= Lat. < 0 deg. S and
105 deg. W < Long. <= 90 deg. E
= Z for 90 deg. S <= Lat. < 0 deg. S and
90 deg. E < Long. <= 105 deg. W
Where mesoscale boxes T, U and Z extend across the prime
meridian (0 deg. longitude) and boxes V and Y extend across the
International Dateline (180 deg. longitude). Sector boundaries
of 0 deg. N or 0 deg. S refer to the equator. The "<=" symbols
refer to "less than or equal to." Note that some of the regions
above are out of range from GOES-16 at its current location, but
these regions could be within range after the satellites
station changes.
ii = ABI channel number (01 - 16); between the ii and CCCC is
a space
CCCC = KNES (signifies that NESDIS is the creating data
During this test and evaluation period, some sectors will be
unavailable, and the set of available sectors will change.
Until recently, these headers had been used to disseminate
simulated imagery on the GOES-R East channel for GOES-R testing.
Tests of simulated GOES-R Series imagery will occur, at times,
on the GOESR West channel of the SBN.
The file format for these products is netCDF4.
Additional information about this new data stream (including
headers, file-format descriptions, sector definitions, sample
files and further information) has been posted at the following
web site and will be periodically updated:
Critical weather or other factors could delay the activation of
these products on the SBN.
For questions pertaining to this change or upcoming plans for
the addition of GOES-16 products onto NOAAPORT, please contact:
Brian Gockel
NOAA/NWS Office of Observations
Surface and Upper Air Division, Services Branch
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Email: Brian.Gockel@xxxxxxxx<mailto:Brian.Gockel@xxxxxxxx>
For questions regarding the scientific or technical content of
the NOAAPORT-disseminated SCMI please contact:
ESPC Help Desk
Suitland, Maryland 20746
Phone: 301-817-3880<tel:301-817-3880>
Email: ESPCOperations@xxxxxxxx<mailto:ESPCOperations@xxxxxxxx>
National Service Change Notices are online at:
Gilbert Sebenste
Staff Meteorologist
Environmental Health and Safety
Labs for Wellness 154 | DeKalb, Illinois 60115
Everyone. Home. Safely.