[ldm-users] 20170414 - scheduled outage for Saturday, April 15

Users of IDD relay services from the Unidata backup distribution
cluster iddb.unidata.ucar.edu, and ADDE services on the motherlode
class data server, atm.ucar.edu:


As part of the Colocation Data Center Power Down for preventative
maintenance at the NCAR Mesa Lab, tomorrow, April 15, CISL/EIO will be
shutting down services at the Mesa Lab as follows:

START:    Saturday Apr 15 2017 5:30 AM MDT
DURATION: 12 hours

Sites with LDM/IDD feeds from iddb.unidata.ucar.edu should failover
to the Unidata primary relay cluster, idd.unidata.ucar.edu, and users
of ADDE services on atm.ucar.edu should use the same services available
on other Unidata motherlode class servers:


Please send any/all questions related to this service interruption to
Unidata Datastream Support <support-datastream@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.

Best regards,

Unidata User Support
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