Re: [ldm-users] Missing NOAAPORT GOES16 SCMI tiles recently?


As one additional piece of information that ldm users may find useful.

The University of Wisconsin SSEC ingests the GRB directly (in addition to 
receiving data via Noaaport and through other sources.)

We have an ABI monitor page that indicates the data quality/status as it is 
being ingested from the GRB.

This page may be useful when you are trying to determine if the dropouts are:
-local to your system
-present in the data before it goes into NOAAport

The page shows data status and quality from the SSEC Direct Broadcast GRB 
ingest.   It also shows the status and quality from data at the PDA  
(Production Distribution and Access) +ICY-. See     (I believe this is the 
source of the data that goes into NOAAport.)

The data quality colors in the SSEC monitor page indicate the percentage of 
data received for an individual image vs what is expected (click the +IBw-I+IB0- icon 
for a legend).   Note, there could be a green box even though an image is 
missing data.   That just means that the image missing the data was transmitted 
over the GRB that way, and it is reflected in the L1b metadata.

The lower section that shows (DB:SSEC)-(PDA) is a comparison between what SSEC 
received via Direct broadcast and what PDA received.  Note, you can drill down 
into each section and look at individual bands, or image comparisons.   The 
data quality history goes back to late December.

You will note that the SSEC data quality has few dropouts that aren+IBk-t also 
present at the PDA, this is because SSEC and Unidata are experimenting with 
combining their GRB feeds to reduce errors.

I hope this is helpful to everyone while trouble shooting problems.



Jerrold Robaidek                 Email:<>
SSEC Data Center               Phone: (608) 262-6025
Satellite Data Services              Fax: (608) 263-6738
University of Wisconsin
Madison, Wisconsin

From: <> on behalf of Pete Pokrandt 
Date: Thursday, May 31, 2018 at 10:25 AM
To: Mike Zuranski <>, "" 
Subject: Re: [ldm-users] Missing NOAAPORT GOES16 SCMI tiles recently?

I'm in contact with someone at noaa, who forwarded me similar info:

"In addition to GOES-16 missing frames, we noticed the impact on other SBN 
channels at AWIPS sites. As part of troubleshooting, we have switched to 
Fairmont at 1220Z today. We will uplink from BNCF for another 2 hours or so to 
see if the problem follows."

so yes, this is directly related to the missing GOES16 tiles. I noted a similar 
lack of missing tiles while they were on the backup.


Pete Pokrandt - Systems Programmer
UW-Madison Dept of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
608-262-3086  -

From: <> on behalf of Mike Zuranski 
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2018 9:50 AM
Cc: Pete Pokrandt; weather01089
Subject: Re: [ldm-users] Missing NOAAPORT GOES16 SCMI tiles recently?

I think NCF is aware there's an issue and they're working on it.

NOUS72 KNCF 311146:
"The NCF will be switching the Primary Master Ground Station (HMGS) in Holmdel, 
NJ to the Backup Master Ground Station (BMGS) in Fairmont, WV on Thursday, May 
31st at 1215z"

NOUS72 KNCF 311356:
"The NCF will be switching the SBN uplink from the Backup Master Ground Station 
(BMGS) in Fairmont, WV to the Primary Master Ground Station (HMGS) in Holmdel, 
NJ on Thursday, May 31st at 1415z."

Both before and after that period I'm still seeing missing tiles.  But while 
they were on their backup station things seemed fine.

Crossing fingers this is what they're on to.

Mike Zuranski
Meteorology Support Analyst
College of DuPage - Nexlab<>

On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 9:16 AM, <<>> wrote:

seeing that on noaaport as well here.

Ray Weber

MA Skywarn

On Wednesday, May 30, 2018 10:09am, "Mike Zuranski" 
<<>> said:
Hi Pete and others,
As you mentioned we've been seeing this too.  Also see the missing tiles from 
Unidata's NPGOESR ADDE service, as well as the NOTHER feed from<> and<>.  I brought this up on the Noaaport 
list yesterday, where I also noted that my Noaaport ingester machine ldmd.log 
files contain  "Missing fragment in sequence" and "OOPS, start of new product 
with unfinished product" lines.
All I know is the problem seems to lie upstream, but haven't heard anything 
else yet.

Mike Zuranski
Meteorology Support Analyst
College of DuPage - Nexlab<>

On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 11:14 PM, Pete Pokrandt 
<<>> wrote:

I've been missing occasional GOES16 SCMI tiles pretty much all day today. I 
thought it was maybe high load on my end, but I see COD is missing the same 
tiles as me for many of their images, and they are feeding off a NOAAPORT dish.

Any idea what's up? Is this maybe related to the recent College Park/Boulder 
NWS issues?

Here's a few example images showing the missing tiles


[mage removed by sender.]

[mage removed by sender.]

[mage removed by sender.]

Pete Pokrandt - Systems Programmer
UW-Madison Dept of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
608-262-3086  -<>

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