Hi Kevin,
Unidata recently added a whole host of MRMS products to the FNEXRAD feed.
Info on the feed, products, as well as pqact examples can be found here:
https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/data/fnexrad.html#mrms_products For what it's
worth, there are more products available here than what come over SBN's
If you're looking specifically for MRMS products over the NGRID feed, they
[should] all include "grib2/161/161/#255" as part of their patterns so you
can set up a notifyme command for that to see what comes through.
As far as GEMPAK goes, you should just need to pipe the data through an
appropriate decoder. Most of these products are grib2; below is an example
I have for QPE data (beware of spaces vs. tabs if you copy this). This is
one of the products that does come over NGRID, but the same concept should
apply to the FNEXRAD MRMS products as well.
PIPE /home/gempak/NAWIPS/os/linux64/bin/dcgrib2 -d
-e GEMTBL=/home/gempak/NAWIPS/gempak/tables
Hope this helps,
Mike Zuranski
Meteorology Support Analyst
College of DuPage - Nexlab
Weather.cod.edu <http://weather.cod.edu/>
On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 6:13 PM Kevin Polston - NOAA Federal via ldm-users <
ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am looking to see what the entries in the pqact.conf file should be when
> receiving the MRMS data via NGRID in gempak. I recently installed the
> latest version of LDM (6.13.16) and have the updated tables from this
> latest ldm build. I was hoping someone would have the correct entries so
> that I can decode and display the data. Thanks.
> Kevin
> --
> Kevin Polston
> Meteorologist
> NWS Radar Operations Center (ROC)
> 1200 Westheimer Dr.
> Norman, OK 73069
> kevin.polston@xxxxxxxx
> Office: 405-563-8859
> Cell: 816-877-5997
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