Dear ldm-users,
I am attempting to get satellite-derived atmospheric motion vectors (AMVs)
also called SatWinds. All the major weather centers can get them on the
GTS. I know the WMO headers that exist for nearly all the known AMVs, yet
I can only get 2 types and not the most useful ones from GOES, Himawari,
and MSG. Below is the advertised WMO headers of the ones I cannot get
followed by the ones I can (on NCAR-RAL's LDM).
I'm wondering if someone can guide me to the missing ones.
"^IN[RL]X2[1-7] KNES" is for GOES16 (R) and GOES17 (L)
"^IXC[NS].. RJTD" is for Himawari8
"^I[UX]V[ACDEGHIKL].. EUMG" is for Meteosat11 (U) and Meteosat8 (X)
" ^IN[NO]X.. KNES" is for NPP
meanwhile, my own LDM server is only obtaining AMVs from these WMO headers:
"^J[BIL]CX.. KNES" for MODIS-Aqua/Terra
"^IUCN.. DEMS" for INSAT (India)