[ldm-users] Hawaii NEXRAD products stopped flowing on NOAAPort

  • To: "ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [ldm-users] Hawaii NEXRAD products stopped flowing on NOAAPort
  • From: "Heideman, Greg" <Greg.Heideman@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2022 21:55:51 +0000
  • Arc-authentication-results: i=1; mx.microsoft.com 1; spf=temperror (sender ip is smtp.rcpttodomain=unidata.ucar.edu smtp.mailfrom=garmin.com; dmarc=temperror action=none header.from=garmin.com; dkim=none (message not signed); arc=none
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At around 16Z today we saw a  sharp drop in NEXRAD products coming from Hawaii 
radar stations.
Is anyone else seeing this?  I haven’t been able to find any indication of an 
outage, just a lack of data flowing on NOAAPort:

[ldm@olaxpa-channoaaport02:~/dci/log]$ egrep 'SDUS[2357]. PHFO ...... 
/pN[ABC0-3][QR]...' productHeaders-Friday.log  | grep -v SDUS50  | tail
2022-02-18 16:04:15: SDUS20 PHFO 181600 /pN3QHMO
2022-02-18 16:04:23: SDUS20 PHFO 181601 /pN2QHWA
2022-02-18 16:04:35: SDUS20 PHFO 181601 /pNBQHKI
2022-02-18 16:04:41: SDUS20 PHFO 181601 /pN3QHWA
2022-02-18 16:04:47: SDUS20 PHFO 181602 /pN1QHKM
2022-02-18 16:04:53: SDUS20 PHFO 181601 /pN2QHKI
2022-02-18 16:05:15: SDUS20 PHFO 181601 /pN3QHKI
2022-02-18 16:05:34: SDUS20 PHFO 181602 /pNBQHKM
2022-02-18 16:05:52: SDUS20 PHFO 181602 /pN2QHKM
2022-02-18 16:06:12: SDUS20 PHFO 181602 /pN3QHKM
[ldm@olaxpa-channoaaport02:~/dci/log]$ egrep 'SDUS[2357]. PHFO ...... 
/pN[ABC0-3][QR]...' productHeaders-Friday.log  |  tail
2022-02-18 21:39:20: SDUS50 PHFO 182134 /pNCRHKI
2022-02-18 21:41:03: SDUS50 PHFO 182136 /pNCRHWA
2022-02-18 21:43:14: SDUS50 PHFO 182138 /pNCRHMO
2022-02-18 21:43:26: SDUS50 PHFO 182138 /pNCRHKM
2022-02-18 21:43:32: SDUS50 PHFO 182139 /pNCRHKI
2022-02-18 21:45:43: SDUS50 PHFO 182140 /pNCRHWA
2022-02-18 21:47:33: SDUS50 PHFO 182143 /pNCRHMO
2022-02-18 21:47:49: SDUS50 PHFO 182143 /pNCRHKI
2022-02-18 21:47:57: SDUS50 PHFO 182143 /pNCRHKM
2022-02-18 21:50:22: SDUS50 PHFO 182145 /pNCRHWA
[ldm@olaxpa-channoaaport02:~/dci/log]$ egrep 'SDUS[2357]. PHFO ...... 
/pN[ABC0-3][QR]...' productHeaders-Friday.log  | sed -e 's/:/ /' | awk '{ print 
$1 "T" $2, $4; }' | sort | uniq -c
     14 2022-02-18T05 SDUS20
     11 2022-02-18T05 SDUS50
    212 2022-02-18T06 SDUS20
    162 2022-02-18T06 SDUS50
    215 2022-02-18T07 SDUS20
    158 2022-02-18T07 SDUS50
    211 2022-02-18T08 SDUS20
    163 2022-02-18T08 SDUS50
    212 2022-02-18T09 SDUS20
    157 2022-02-18T09 SDUS50
    214 2022-02-18T10 SDUS20
    158 2022-02-18T10 SDUS50
    206 2022-02-18T11 SDUS20
    159 2022-02-18T11 SDUS50
    215 2022-02-18T12 SDUS20
    157 2022-02-18T12 SDUS50
    211 2022-02-18T13 SDUS20
    158 2022-02-18T13 SDUS50
    215 2022-02-18T14 SDUS20
    161 2022-02-18T14 SDUS50
    215 2022-02-18T15 SDUS20
    163 2022-02-18T15 SDUS50
     24 2022-02-18T16 SDUS20
     63 2022-02-18T16 SDUS50
     54 2022-02-18T17 SDUS50
     54 2022-02-18T18 SDUS50
     53 2022-02-18T19 SDUS50
     54 2022-02-18T20 SDUS50
     45 2022-02-18T21 SDUS50


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