Thank you very much!
On Fri, Mar 11, 2022 at 2:59 PM Larry D. Oolman <ldoolman@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> China no longer sends data in the old text 'TEMP' format. They only send
> BUFR data for soundings.
> On 3/11/2022 2:52 PM, Daniel Adriaansen - NCAR wrote:
> Hello,
> We are requesting the "WMO" feedtype listed here:
> which seems like it should include international/global upper air data.
> However, when searching for upper air data from China specifically, I
> cannot locate any. I see data from Hong Kong, Japan, Does anyone have any
> information as to why we don't see anything from China? Is it in a
> different feedtype or is it well known that data from China aren't
> routinely found in these feeds?
> Thanks in advance for any guidance anyone might have.
> -Dan
> --
> *My working day may not be your working day. Please do not feel obliged to
> reply to this email outside of your normal working hours.*
> --
> Larry Oolman
> Department of Atmospheric Science
> University of Wyoming
> Dept. 3038, 1000 E. University Ave.
> Laramie, WY 82071
> ldoolman@xxxxxxxx
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