Right now at AWC, we use a direct GOES downlink to 16 and 17/18 data. We
generate our own global satellite mosaics pieced together with McIDAS. I
alway try to maintain what I call a hot backup if our local processing
fail. So I have added processing to our scripts to use the images from SBN
to create our satellite tilecache. This is a bit easier if I don't have to
process half the full disk image. I will make appropriate changes.
On Fri, Dec 2, 2022 at 10:23 AM Mike Zuranski <mzuranski@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> All indications I've seen indicate these are permanent changes.
> I should also clarify that this is only for NOAAPort/SBN tiles. Full-Disk
> data that transmits via GRB will still be both hemispheres. For McIDAS-X
> and IDV users, Unidata makes the GRB imagery available over the ADDE
> -Mike
> *Mike Zuranski*
> Data Engineer II
> Unidata Program Center
> University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
> On Fri, Dec 2, 2022 at 10:13 AM Daniel Vietor - NOAA Affiliate <
> dan.vietor@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Are we confident at this point that full disk sectors will only be NH for
>> the conceivable future? In other words, there is no intention to bring SH
>> coverage back. If so, some of my image post-processing would be greatly
>> reduced if I only processed NH.
>> Dan.
>> On Fri, Dec 2, 2022 at 9:57 AM Sebenste, Gilbert <sebensteg@xxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>>> I’ll also throw in that GOES-17 was supposed to lose southern disk
>>> imagery on November 29 per the SCN, but NESDIS has not scheduled a new
>>> public date yet. I’m guessing before Christmas. NOUS72 KNES
>>> will have the announcement. We literally got 21 hours of warning before
>>> they pulled the plug on the GOES-16 rescheduled date and time.
>>> Gilbert
>>> Gilbert Sebenste
>>> Meteorology Support Analyst
>>> College of DuPage
>>> *From:* ldm-users <ldm-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> * On Behalf Of *Mike
>>> Zuranski
>>> *Sent:* Friday, December 2, 2022 9:54 AM
>>> *To:* Weber, Jim <Jim.Weber@xxxxxxx>; LDM <ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> *Subject:* [External] Re: [ldm-users] GOES 16 Full Disk change
>>> CAUTION: This email originated from outside of COD’s system. Do not
>>> click links, open attachments, or respond with sensitive information unless
>>> you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
>>> Hi Jim,
>>> Yes this change was intentional, in an effort to conserve bandwidth over
>>> NOAAPort/SBN essentially.
>>> This was originally supposed to happen a couple of weeks ago, here's the
>>> SCN outlining the full set of changes and reasoning:
>>> https://www.weather.gov/media/notification/pdf2/scn22-94_geo_spectral_coverage_goes-eastwest.pdf
>>> The dates in that SCN came and went, but NESDIS also issued this earlier
>>> this week announcing the new date for GOES-16:
>>> https://weather.cod.edu/textserv/raw/KNES/NOUS72_ADMNES/202211302119
>>> The same will happen for GOES-17/18 but I'm not aware of a date for that
>>> yet.
>>> -Mike
>>> *Mike Zuranski*
>>> Data Engineer II
>>> Unidata Program Center
>>> University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
>>> On Fri, Dec 2, 2022 at 9:45 AM Weber, Jim via ldm-users <
>>> ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Did anyone else notice after 18z yesterday there was a change in the
>>> Full Disk files for GOES 16? The dimensions of the file for many if not
>>> all the channels changed. Was this an intentional change? In fact, when
>>> you display the Full Disk imagery now it is only the Northern Hemisphere,
>>> not a full disk view.
>>> Jim Weber
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>> --
>> *Dan Vietor*
>> *Senior Research Meteorologist*
>> CIRA, Colorado State Univ
>> Aviation Weather Center
>> Kansas City, MO
>> 816.584.7211
*Dan Vietor*
*Senior Research Meteorologist*
CIRA, Colorado State Univ
Aviation Weather Center
Kansas City, MO