[ldm-users] SBN/NOAAPort Dataflow Delays

Greetings all,

We began to notice a short bit ago that data on the SBN is significantly
delayed.  For example, most NEXRAD3 data seen is coming from 1845-1900Z.
It appears other SBN feeds are also impacted (e.g. IDS|DDPLUS is delayed by
that much depending on the product), not just NEXRAD3.

On a hunch this was related to an earlier switch of the NCF facility (a
test was announced earlier for 1830-1900Z today), I reached out to them to
see if they were aware.  They are and it is actively being worked on now.
They did send out another notification about this but I haven't seen it
yet, likely because that is also in the delayed queue.

We will continue to monitor the situation but as this is confirmed to be
well upstream of us there is little we can do beyond watch and wait.  Sorry
for the inconvenience all, here's hoping this is resolved quickly.


*Mike Zuranski*
Data Engineer II
NSF Unidata Program Center
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
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