Greetings Jim,
Perhaps this is an appropriate time to plug the NSF-Unidata data-curation email
list, where station metadata discussions sometimes happen.
Gilbert's link is a good one, but last I chatted with Greg Thompson, it was not
being updated anymore.
My global METAR listing is here in upper right corner:
I look at the following places to find details: <-- very helpful one
But in general, I lurk on the data-curation list and await the very helpful
posts from Gilbert and Boris and others. :)
From: noaaport <noaaport-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Gilbert
Sebenste via noaaport <noaaport@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2024 1:09 PM
To: Jim Weber
Subject: Re: [noaaport] [ldm-users] Changes to METAR data over SBN
that would cover them, yes. As for a master to use would be at .
Gilbert Sebenste
Consulting Meteorologist
AllisonHouse, LLC
On Oct 22, 2024, at 1:05 PM, Weber, Jim <Jim.Weber@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Just to double check…I believe this entry has everything covered. Would I be
correct in that?
WMO ^S[AP].... .... ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9])
Also, while we are on this topic, does anyone know where there might be a
master list of METAR station identifiers to provide the station name, city, and
hopefully a lat/lon?
Jim Weber<>
Certified Broadcast Meteorologist
FOX 13 News
3213 West Kennedy Blvd.
Tampa, Florida 33609
Phone 813-870-9657
From: ldm-users <ldm-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Gilbert
Sebenste via ldm-users
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2024 6:26 PM
To: Mike Zuranski <zuranski.wx@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: LDM <ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; NOAAPORT <noaaport@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [ldm-users] Changes to METAR data over SBN
This should also be the direct feed from the FAA, as that is what they use.
Not only will this decrease METAR latency by several minutes for some domestic
METARs, but this will also allow for new METARs that the FAA sends to be
available immediately after activation.
But note that this applies to KWBC METARS. Military observations on KAWN will
still need to have to be accounted for. I would just grab anything SA* or SP*
for WMO header capture, and then you likely don't have to worry about any
changes in the future.
On Oct 21, 2024, at 1:39 PM, Mike Zuranski
<zuranski.wx@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:zuranski.wx@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Howdy all,
I just saw this come across and given its significance I wanted to draw
attention to it here. Seems that in December the process AND product headers
for transmitting METAR and SPECIals will change. Depending on your REQUESTS
and PQACTS this could be impactful.
Subject: Addition of SAUS99 and SPUS99 Text Products to
Satellite Broadcast Network (SBN) and Removal of the SAUS70, 80
and 90 Counterparts on or about December 11, 2024
The NWS National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)
Central Operations (NCO) creates routine collectives of
observational METAR data in SAUS70 KWBC, SAUS80 KWBC, SAUS90
KWBC and their counterparts for Special observations SPUS70,
SPUS80 and SPUS90. These collectives require manual
intervention to add METAR stations to them. These are then
distributed over the SBN. Another product, SAUS99 KWBC, and the
Special observation counterpart SPUS99 KWBC contain any METAR
observation received every minute. Delivering SAUS99 and SPUS99
over the SBN rather than the aforementioned collectives will
provide more observational data and more timely data to users of
the SBN.
The replacement with SAUS99 and SPUS99 is expected to occur on
or about 1200 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) December 11,
2024. If a Critical Weather Day has been issued, this change
will be postponed until 1200 UTC on the next non-Critical
Weather Day.
Users that are receiving and utilizing SAUS70 KWBC, SPUS70 KWBC,
SAUS80 KWBC, SPUS80 KWBC, SAUS90 KWBC or SPUS90 KWBC must ensure
they can also receive SAUS99 KWBC and SPUS99 KWBC.<;!!PxibshUo2Yr_Ta5B!zJrqu0Ootm-nbvY4YhVTLAymMbvzZNdPGDVp8oowROeF1Z413Gva3BncRgPfPTnaFvru14Hdpzd9hz7CggP88tUBNw$>
- Mike Zuranski
Disclaimer: Thoughts, opinions and all general nonsenses are those of myself
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recorded in the Unidata inquiry tracking system and made publicly
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