Re: [ldm-users] GOES-16 missing tiles, and packets arriving out of sequence

  • To: Gilbert Sebenste <sebensteg@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [ldm-users] GOES-16 missing tiles, and packets arriving out of sequence
  • From: Gilbert Sebenste <gilbert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2024 17:47:20 -0600
Follow-up: They switched to the BNCF at 14:15Z this morning. I i'm not seeing 
missing satellite images, but I am seeing a huge number of re-transmits and 
duplicates that the LDM is rejecting at AllisonHouse and COD. A contact I have 
at NCF emailed me to check on it, and I have given him log samples so he can 
see what's going on.


> On Dec 9, 2024, at 4:11 PM, Sebenste, Gilbert <sebensteg@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Good day everyone,
> I am going to try to kill two birds with one stone here.
> 1. The GOES-16 missing tiles issue has been resolved when SBN/NOAAport is 
> sending their uplink via the ANCF and primary uplink. This problem was due to 
> multiple
> issues, but they have gotten them taken care of on the NESDIS side of things. 
> They had a nagging problem with channel 10, but that has been resolved (they 
> had an issue at 14:10 with
> a missing tile this morning, but NOAAport was down for 5 minutes while they 
> made expected changes to the SBN this morning, and all channels had a glitch 
> at that time).
> 2. Additionally, the out-of-sequence packet issue when they are on the ANCF 
> has been resolved, and was determined to be an NCF issue.
> But…
> When they are on the BNCF, and transmitting from their alternate uplink site, 
> they still experience out-of-sequence packets, numerous missing products
> that have to be resent (we see a LOT of duplicate products here at COD when 
> they are on the BNCF), missing satellite tiles…and even missing satellite 
> images.
> NCF is aware of the situation. Last week they switched to the BNCF for 3 
> hours, and the problems were still there, so they switched back to the 
> primary. They are working on it.
> Gilbert Sebenste
> Meteorology Support Analyst
> <image001.png>
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