Re: [ldm-users] Request ALLOW access for LDM Upstream Connection

  • To: Wesley Jefferson Kwok <wjkwok@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [ldm-users] Request ALLOW access for LDM Upstream Connection
  • From: Pete Pokrandt <poker@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2024 18:36:09 +0000
  • Arc-authentication-results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none
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  • Msip_labels:
Hi Wesley,

I'm happy to provide you with a data feed from Can you get me 
your hostname/IP address so I can set up the allow? I'll set you up to feed 
from the DDPLUS data feed (which should contain all the METAR/SPECI reports 
that you're looking for) - can add others later if necessary.


Pete Pokrandt - System Engineer IV
UW-Madison Dept of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
608-262-3086  - poker@xxxxxxxxxxxx
From: ldm-users <ldm-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Wesley 
Jefferson Kwok <wjkwok@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2024 12:06 PM
To: ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [ldm-users] Request ALLOW access for LDM Upstream Connection

Hello All,

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Wesley, and I am currently a 
remote Master's student in Computer Science at Cal Poly. Currently, I am 
working on setting up an LDM instance for an AI-related weather project.

I have successfully installed LDM and configured a fully qualified domain name 
(FQDN) hostname on my Ubuntu instance, but I am encountering challenges with my 
network setup. As a remote student on the East Coast and outside of my 
college's .EDU network, I am seeking assistance in obtaining ALLOW access to a 
compatible upstream LDM server for my connection, as recommended by Unidata 
staff in a ticket.

Our project’s LDM instance is intended to request minimal data, focusing 
specifically on surface observations such as temperature, humidity, and other 
simple information available in METAR/SPECI-formatted reports.

Please let me know if additional details are needed to facilitate this request. 
I greatly appreciate your time and assistance.

I also may have accidentally sent this message twice, so apologies for any 

Thank you!

Best regards,
Wesley Kwok
Master’s Student, Computer Science
California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly

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