Gotcha. Thank you, Stonie, I appreciate that!
Gilbert Sebenste
Meteorology Support Analyst
From: Stonie Cooper <cooper@xxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2025 4:03 PM
To: Sebenste, Gilbert <sebensteg@xxxxxxx>
Cc: ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [External] Re: [ldm-users] Availability of GOES-19 data
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I can only speak for Unidata; we only have two satellite ground stations for
GRB, one is pointing at 16, the other is at 18. As of right now, the
operational switchover for GOES 16 to GOES 19 is 4 April. On our side, we have
been told we only need to change the configuration of our receiver. Currently,
the fully operational date for GOES 19 is 4 April. I do not know how much time
after that will exist before GOES 16 begins moving to storage.
Stonie Cooper, PhD
Software Engineer III
NSF Unidata
On Mon, Feb 10, 2025 at 3:38 PM Sebenste, Gilbert
<sebensteg@xxxxxxx<mailto:sebensteg@xxxxxxx>> wrote:
Hello everyone,
Does anyone know the status of GOES-19 data, and on what feed(s) they are
available on? Currently, the satellite is in a non-operational, evaluation mode
before being commissioned on April 4, 2025. Does anyone know if this
preliminary data is available on the GRB feed, on UNIDATA’s ADDE servers if it
is available, or on NOAAport (extremely doubtful)?
Thank you for any information!
Gilbert Sebenste
Meteorology Support Analyst
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