LEAD Portal is open for testing

NOTE: The leadusers mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.

Hi Folks,

In case you have not heard, the LEAD Portal (http://portal.leadproject.org) is 
ready for testing!  If you'd like instructions on how to create an account and 
get registered for the leadusers e-mail list see this link: 
(note: you'll need a flash player installed).

Those who volunteered to test have already received their specific 
instructions, here are the general instructions (including how to submit an 
error report when a workflow fails on you).

LEAD Testing

Thanks for your willingness to test the lead portal 
(http://portal.leadproject.org).  We invite your experimenting with all 
capabilities found in the LEAD Portal.  In particular we'd like for you to 
experiment with some specific workflow capability, with data query capability 
and general portal capability as described below.

1) Validate end-to-end workflow orchestration success and indicate the result using the 
Submit Feedback section under the "Contact Us" link on the Portal (this will be 
sent to support-lead@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx).  Indicate both success and failure.  Attempt to 
visualize results using IDV and report on success/failure.

  a. Run tests of all types

     i. NAM initialization, (Workflow named: "NAM Initialized WRF Forecast")
        1. Current date/time
           a. CONUS - all time lengths (6 hour - 36 hour)
           b. Regional 5km all time lengths
           c. Regional 20km all time lengths
        2. Retroactive (i.e. use historical data) date/time
           a. CONUS - all time lengths (6 hour - 36 hour)
           b. Regional 5km all time lengths
           c. Regional 20km all time lengths
ii. ADAS initialization, (Workflow named: "ADAS Initialized WRF Forecast")
        1. Current date/time
           a. CONUS - all time lengths (6 hour - 36 hour)
           b. Regional 5km all time lengths
           c. Regional 20km all time lengths
        2. Retroactive (i.e. use historical data) date/time
           a. CONUS - all time lengths (6 hour - 36 hour)
           b. Regional 5km all time lengths
           c. Regional 20km all time lengths

  b. Go to My Workspace tab and look at the results of your tests

  c. Should a workflow fail and you have not monitored your workflow using xbaya or lost Internet  
connection while monitoring, please send us the workflow instance id  which will help us tracking 
the problem faster.  You can get the workflow  id by logging into portal and then in My WORKSPACE 
tab, expand your workspace, project and the experiment which failed.  With in the experiment click 
expand the "Collection: Workflow Instances" under which you will see a one element 
starting with "Collection: Instance of ...your workflow name" click on it and copy the 
GUID and send it in your error report. This is a unique number to identify your workflow execution 
it will look like GUID: tag:gpel.leadproject.org,2006:728/ADASInitializedWRFForecasting/instance25.

2) Validate Data Search capabilities (Please note that the results from data 
searches are ordered by date and are limited to 100 results displayed):

  a. Perform searches using the capabilities found under the Data Search Tab -> 
Identifying a Geographic Region link

  b. Compare results with browse-able THREDDS catalog found at 
http://lead.unidata.ucar.edu:8080/thredds/lead/leadcatalog.html - this catalog 
contains THREDDS metadata for all data products that should be found in the 
Resource Catalog (i.e. that which is searched behind the LEAD Data Search tab).

  Note that the THREDDS catalog is walked every 30 minutes, so it's possible 
that a recent dataset will be found there but not in the Resource Catalog.

  c. When results differ from expectation please use the Contact Us link to 

     i. Exact Search  (i.e. all special and temporal ranges,  Data Products and 
Other Search Terms)

     ii. Expected Results (and perhaps how you determined these)

     iii. Actual Results

  d. Verify that you can import data from the Resource catalog into your personal space.  
Using a result from your data query, select a product and select import.  The result 
should appear under the "My Workspace" tab.

3) General Portal Usability

  a. Experiment with overall Portal capabilities.  Try links under all the tabs 
in the Portal.

     i. Using the Contact Us Link, provide feedback as to non-functioning 
capabilities and suggestions for improvements overall.

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