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Hi Hector,I hope you don't mind me cc'ing this reply to the group, these are some good questions and might be useful for others too, so let me first clarify on what these workflows are doing.
Hi all WxChallenge Crew,Please continue to report problems and errors using the feedback form on the portal, but also feel free to post any questions or doubts to leadusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Non-meteorologists like me can learn from you all atmospheric science student interactions.
Note: Refer to Marcus's screen cast tutorials sent earlier today on instructions if you are having problems in using the portal.
In the lead portal, among the list of 7 sample workflows you will see two forecasting workflows NAM initialized WRF forecast and ADAS Initialized WRF Forecast. Both these workflows use similar data to define the lateral boundary conditions for WRF but the difference between them is in the Initialization Data which is interpolated to forecast grid and used to initialize the WRF Model.
NAM Initialized workflows uses NAM model data for initialization. NAM data is obtained from NCEP, which is WRF 84 hour forecast data run over CONUS with 40km resolution every 6 hours (00, 06, 12, 18, 24 UTC). If you login to portal, in your MyWorkspace personal data browser, expanding the experiment you should see a input data files collection with names similar to eta40grb.2007020706f00 (NAM was previously called eta and grb indicates the file is in gridded binary format and f00 indicates it is the 0th hour of the 84 hour nam forecast starting 06Z on 02/07/2007). The first eta*** file is used to initialize the model and rest of the forecast hourly files are used to define the lateral boundary conditions for forecast time steps, centered in your defined area.
ADAS Initialized workflows use OU-CAPS's ADAS assimilated data to initialize the WRF model. ADAS workflows are supposed to yield better forecast as they assimilate the NAM data along with other data from radars, satellites, rawinsondes, mesonets, wind profilers, aircrafts and other surface data. Similar to your NAM experiments you can view ADAS input used. In your input data collection there will files with names like (adas assimilation done at 18Z on 02/08/2007 in netcdf format) . You will also see some eta** files because even though ADAS workflows uses ADAS data to initialize they also use NAM data for defining lateral boundary conditions similar to NAM initialized workflow.
In both of the above cases within input data file collections if you click on the files, on the right hand pane you will see some metadata (description about the data). There will be information on what the file is, and the boundaries of the spatial extents of the data.
If you look further down in your experiment you will see lot of intermediate files and most of them are not IDV viewable at this point, but if you are interested you can download them and look at the data by using ncdump or other netcdf utilities.
Finally what you need to be looking at in IDV is the WRF output files which are of the format
Hector, To answer your questions specifically, you should be opening the wrfout*** files in IDV and looking at them and optionally you can also open the eta** files too and compare them with WRF output. But your focus and readings should be with wrfout files. IDV will let you overlay one data set over another and visually compare them. As for less parameters issue, if you are looking for anything specific necessary parameter and it is not there, report it in feedback form (or discuss with Everette or Rich) and meteorology group in LEAD can verify it and add to WRF configuration (registry file) if needed.
Tom et al,Can you answer Hector's IDV questions and correct if i have stated anything incorrectly?
Thanks, Suresh Hector De Lima wrote:
Hello Suresh,I've been testing Lead these last couple of days and I have a few doubts I thought you might be able to clarify:1) For a 6hr run with 02/07/2007 data, what is the difference between opening in IDV the file as compared to opening eta40grb.2007020706f00The first one (wrfout...) is the one that the movie tutorial, or screencast, recommends you to open after the experiment is finished processing. Nevertheless, it seems that the second (eta...) covers more display fields. I guess I am confused as to which file from the Personal Workspace is the correct one to select in order to view in IDV the product of your experiment. I started with a NAM initialized WRF forecast. 2) I've noticed that a few display fields do not show anything when I select the entire CONUS but will display something when the selected area in IDV is smaller. Is this normal, an error or something wrong with my terminal?3) How do you change the units of fields such as temperature? Most (except SST's) seem to be displayed in Kelvin.Thanks a lot for your time. Hector De Lima (Testing with FIT)On 2/15/07, *Suresh Marru* <smarru@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:smarru@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:Hi All, Hope you guys are having a good testing experience. As some of you might have already noticed, some workflow fail when WRF runs longer and sends an error message from the compute cluster which contains " <> Error Code = 131", we know how to limit this but we are not working around it so that we could reproduce it which will help the cluster administrators nail this down. This is just FYI, irrespective of this error please continue to test the portal and report your feed back and problems. We will fix this problem ASAP so you could have end to end testing experience again. Sorry for the inconvenience , Suresh
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