Re: [lead-all] LEAD Portal downtime, Friday 22, 9am-11am EST

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Marcus A Christie wrote:
LEAD - Master Mailing List


The LEAD Portal will be intermittently unavailable starting at 9am tomorrow (Friday 22nd) until approx. 11am EST (8-10am CST). This is for some preventative maintenance and updates to the software. I'll send a follow up message once everything is back up.



We are now back up.  Two caveats:

1. Configuring an ADAS WRF forecast using the "Now" option (using latest data) doesn't currently work in Experiment Builder. However, if you select a specify start time, the data search code will pick up the right data.

2. We'll be working on debugging the "Error 131" problems today and likely through the weekend. So services may be intermittently unavailable.



Marcus Christie
Phone: 812-855-4081
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