NOTE: The leadusers
mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.
LEAD Users,Sorry for the extended outage, but now the LEAD Portal personal data storage used by myLEAD is moved to a bigger location (45TB) and everything is back up should function the way it was previously. You should be able to access your data and visualize it as before.
Also, two new workflows have been added to the sample workflows with prefix Dev Workflow: ADAS Initialized WRF Forecast and Dev Workflow: NAM Initialized WRF Forecast, the old workflows are also working but please use these new Dev workflows for testing, these workflows are running the latest and greatest ARPS and WRF 2.2 versions and as the name indicates they are development but feel free to ponder them.
And please report any problems as usual. Have a good weekend!!, Suresh Marcus A Christie wrote:
LEAD - Master Mailing ListStarting at 1pm EST (12pm CST) the LEAD Portal will be unavailable. During this time we will be moving the MyLEAD data repository to the IU Data Capacitor data storage system, which will provide significantly more storage than our current 1.4 TB data server, which has now reached its limit.I send a follow up message once everything is back up. Thanks, Marc
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