WxChallenge Testing

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Lead Testers,

I am happy to say that after the portal system is back from maintenance on Friday all the infrastructure and WRF looks very stable and 100% of the workflows ended successfully. Also since the new wrf 2.2 workflows are working good and since they need more testing, I have removed the old wrf 2.1 workflows and other development ones from sample workflow repository. So test more of the weather challenge scenario (5km regional configuration) with both NAM and ADAS workflows which will run latest ARPS and WRF.

Thanks to NCSA & IU resource providers, starting tomorrow we do have reservation of compute resources for 5 hours each day until end of wxchallenge from Noon CST - ie from 18Z to 23Z. So try to launch your workflows before 18Z to finish them on time. After you see the WRF component turn green and start to see *Active* messages in final notifications in xbaya, the estimated time of completion for a 36 hour 5km forecast is 3 hours 20 mins.

Note: We are still working on making the nested configurations and post processing services available and also looking at refining WRF timings.

LEAD Met. Group Testers,

Please look at your workspace for input files and wrf output in IDV and verify if the forecasts and configurations are valid.

HU & MU students,

Prof. Gannon from IU has been the leading the race of frequent testing and finding problems immediatly after they occur (50% of the workflows are run by him). I urge all of you to challenge him and do more testing and report problems. (Sorry for more emails Tom). The winner gets a free bonus additional hour of forecast. So when you run a 36 hour forecast and if you see 37 hour results then you win, shoot for it guys :-) .


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