[leadusers] LEAD is ready for testing!

NOTE: The leadusers mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.

Thanks to the hard work of many folks throughout the LEAD enterprise, the portal and all functionality behind it is at last ready for testing and use.

Please feel free to begin your testing in earnest.  Please do keep me notified of your 
experiences both positive and negative.  In particular, I would very much like to hear 
about your end-to-end workflow experiences.  How many did you run?   Did they succeed?  
Did the results seem "right"?

Also, please be advised that you may see a lot of failed nodes (turn to = red) 
in your workflows which will be restarted on other LEAD resources (and will 
turn to green).  So please be patient as you observe your workflow through the 
composer interface.

As always, please feel free to send e-mail to support-lead@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or 
simply fill out the help form on the LEAD portal.

Thanks for your efforts to help us make LEAD all that it can be!

Best regards,

Tom Baltzer
Software Engineer
UCAR Office of Programs
Unidata Program Center
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000
E-mail: tbaltzer@xxxxxxxx
Phone: 303-497-8637

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