Hello people, I'm new to this list and new to McIDAS also.
I went through the "McIDAS Learning Guide". I'm quickly learning how
to use it, but I already have some objectives I must reach before the
end of the week, so it would be very much appreciated if someone could
help me.
I need to create the following products from GOES data:
- Sea surface temperature,
- relative humidity at highest troposphere,
- cloud cover (amount of clouds),
- clouds mask,
- pressure at high cloud top level,
- temperature at high cloud top level,
- cloud type,
- volcanic ash products.
For the moment I'm investigating HOW those products must be done (the
algorithm, based on the GOES data). Afterwards, I must produce them
with McIDAS...
So, I need help and whatever you can add will be welcomed: links to
sources of information, algorithms or scripts to create such products,
contact info, etc.
Carlos Matías de la Torre
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