[mcidas-x] GOES-13 Image

Hi all,

The GOES-13 east ADDE Mcidas data server at unidata2.ssec.wisc.edu have
not updated since June 6 at 11:45:

*Image file directory listing for:EAST/FD*
* Pos Satellite/         Date       Time      Center   Band(s)*
*     sensor                                 Lat  Lon*
* --- -------------  ------------  --------  ---- ---- ------------*
*  57  G-13 IMG       6 JUN 12158  11:45:00     0   80 1-4,6*
*  56  G-13 IMG       6 JUN 12158  08:45:00     0   80 1-4,6*

Someone know why? Thanks!

*Marcos Vinícius Bueno de Morais *
Post-Graduation Student
Atmospheric Science Department - University of São Paulo
skype: vinicius_ch
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