In McIDAS-X, is there a way to share local datasets with multiple users ?
I am trying to perform an IMGCOPY on HIMAWARI/FD to IMAGES/GMS-IR.1 and share
with multiple users.
[mcuser2@hcpmcidasl01 ~/scripts]$ imglist.k IMAGES/GMS-IR.1 | grep -w HIMAWARI
1 HIMAWARI-8 6 FEB 16037 05:10:00 0 -141 13
[mcuser1@hcpmcidasl01 ~]$ imglist.k IMAGES/GMS-IR.1 | grep -w HIMAWARI
1 HIMAWARI-8 1 DEC 15335 23:30:00 0 -141 13
[mcuser2@hcpmcidasl01 ~/scripts]$ dataloc.k LIST IMAGES
[mcuser2@hcpmcidasl01 ~/.ssh]$ dataloc.k LIST IMAGES
Group Name Server IP Address
-------------------- ----------------------------------------
<LOCAL-DATA> indicates that data will be accessed from the local data directory.
DATALOC - done
Any help would be appreciated...
Andrew Little
Sr. Staff Systems Analyst
Universal Weather & Aviation Inc.
1150 Gemini St.
Houston, Texas 77058
Mobile: (713) 504-2719